Shared Lives- Michael’s short breaks near the sea

Michael lives with his dad but 8 weekends a year he has short breaks with Shared Lives carers, Shiri and Andy at their home near the sea. 

Michael was matched with Shiri and Andy over 5 years ago and Michael feels that they get on well as the couple are “good fun”.

Michael loves his short breaks, “They make me happy, we go putting, play bingo and bake cakes.  I like going for walks near their home.  I check the chickens for eggs in the morning and have a hot chocolate in front of the fire at night before bed.  My favourite things are spending time in the garden and going to the café in the village.”

Michael’s dad, David, recognises how important Michael’s breaks with Shiri and Andy are to him, “He looks forward to his breaks and is always asking when the next one is.”

Michael is great friends with another person Shiri and Andy support as well as becoming a great cook with the support of Shiri! But the most important part to David is, “Michael is happy!”

Shared Lives schemes across Scotland provide short breaks and day support (as well as a place to live) for people with a range of support needs, including learning and physical disabilities, those living with mental ill health, dementia, a support need relating to old age or Autism.  Each person is matched with an assessed and trained Shared Lives carer they choose to spend their time with meaning a real friendship can develop between the two families.  Breaks are flexible and can range from a few hours to an extended holiday stay.

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