Response to Ministerial Statement: Future of the National Care Service

Following the statement by Maree Todd MSP earlier today on the future of the National Care Service, we welcome the Scottish Government’s ongoing commitment to introducing a Right to a Break for unpaid carers.  

The introduction of this right will represent a significant step forward for carers in Scotland, and is a recognition of the importance of short breaks in giving carers time to rest, recharge and balance their caring responsibilities with other aspects of their lives. 

The successful delivery of a right to breaks from caring relies upon the existence of a sustainable short breaks sector able to meet the diverse needs of carers and those they care for. 

We recognise the immense strain the sector currently faces with rising costs, diminishing income and increased demand. The uncertainty surrounding the future of the National Care Service has amplified this. We  hope therefore that this renewed commitment to the right to a break will encourage Scottish Government and politicians across all parties to work together to ensure the swift implementation of this right and commit to the sustained investment that it needs to succeed.


The full ministerial statement can be read here.