Exploring new ideas and possibilities in short breaks provision

Exploring new ideas and possibilities in short breaks provision

Join us at our national conference on 2 October 2024

Book your place today!


Innovating | connecting | influencing

Showcasing the very best in personalised short breaks provision

Encouraging networking and learning

Creating space for innovative and strategic thinking

Inspiring through shared experiences and learning

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Conference programme

Early birds session

An optional additional session is available before the main conference begins.  Further details TBC.

Welcome & overview

  • Don Williamson, Chief Executive, Shared Care Scotland
  • Mairi Damer, Conference Chair  

Shaping a positive future for short breaks 

“…a future Scotland where all those receiving care, along with unpaid carers, can enjoy regular, meaningful breaks that promote health, wellbeing and happiness.” 

Our panel of experts will share their views on the evolving landscape of short breaks care, discussing vital changes needed to guarantee a future where both carers and those they support can consistently access the breaks they want and need. 

  • Mark Bevan, CEO, Leuchie House
  • HSCP Chief Officer, TBC
  • Maggie Chiwanza, CEO, MECOPP 

Coffee break & marketplace

Trailblazer sessions A

A choice of workshops showcasing diverse and innovative approaches to delivering personalised and sustainable short breaks, and the challenges that have been overcome. 

Lunch & marketplace 

Trailblazer sessions B

A choice of workshops showcasing diverse and innovative approaches to delivering personalised and sustainable short breaks, and the challenges that have been overcome. 

Coffee break 

Empowering communities: shaping the future of short breaks through local solutions and social justice 

  • Sian Lockwood, OBE, FRSE, Chair, Coalition for Personalised Care

Sian will share her journey and insights gained from her extensive work with charities, her advocacy for small-scale community-led solutions, and her efforts in shaping policy and regulatory environments. This session will underscore the importance of empowering local communities to create sustainable and effective short break services, aligning with our conference’s focus on the future of short breaks. 

The power of music 

  • Andy Lowndes, Founding Trustee & The Music Detective, Playlist for Life 

Andy will share his expertise on the transformative power of music, especially for individuals with dementia and their carers. This session will highlight the importance of personal connections and the therapeutic benefits of music, offering a memorable and heartwarming conclusion to the conference. 

From learning to action

Reflective session exercise to help people consolidate what they have learned and what action they plan to take as a result of the conference

Final remarks & close 

Our keynote speakers

We're delighted to be joined by speakers and panelists from across the sector, bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge to share with delegates. Read more about them below. 

Mairi Damer Bio 2

Mairi Damer

We're delighted that Mairi Damer joins us for the second time as the host of our national conference. Mairi is founder of WordUp Communications and is "a straight-talking, plain English speaking, highly experienced broadcast journalist and producer." Mairi recently trained the SCS team in 'how to write right' and we're looking forward to her fantastic blend of honesty, dynamism, and positivity for our conference.

Mark Bio Pic

Mark Bevan

Mark Bevan is the CEO of Leuchie House, a national respite charity which offers short breaks in a country house setting. Leuchie’s professional allied health, care and technology teams focus on personalised programmes which improve the health, wellbeing and independence of people affected by a neurological condition, whilst they enjoy a break. Mark is also a Trustee of Shared Care Scotland.

Maggie Bio Pic

Maggie Chiwanza

As the CEO of MECOPP, an organisation dedicated to supporting BME carers and carers with protected characteristics, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her role. With an impressive 25-year career in the health and social care sector and she has established herself as a leader in the field. She is dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of carers and those with protected characteristics, striving to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.

Andy Lowdnes

Andy Lowndes

Andy is a former mental health nurse and a retired academic from Glasgow Caledonian University. Andy founded Playlist for Life with writer and broadcaster Sally Magnusson following Sally’s experience in caring for her mother. As ‘The Music Detective,’ Andy helps people with dementia and works with families and carers to identify Personally Meaningful Music for the person with the disease. Andy will present real life examples showing how music can have almost magical results as part of an individual's care.