Our young adult carers project provides weekly groups and one to one support to 16-25 year olds living in East Ayrshire. Our aim is to reduce isolation, provide opportunities for respite, fun and friendship, ensuring young adult carers are supported, feel less isolated, attend and achieve in school
What Young Adult Carers Alton Towers Break did
We delivered a 2 day respite break for 20 young adult carers to Alton Towers with an overnight stay, trip to the cinema and all meals were provided throughout the stay. the trip took place during the Easter Holiday period. We identified those who were struggling with the cost of living, have significant caring responsiblities and were in need of time away to recharge the batteries. Our main Young Carers Staff who attended had chosen YAC from our centres in Kilmarnock, Cumnock and Dalmellington giving us a mix of young people from East Ayrshire. The young people have made lasting bonds, developed friendships, confided in staff some of the areas they are struggling with and overall had a much needed break from caring.
This break opened up new horizons and experiences for the young people developing their ability to travel, develop peer support and friendships, reduce their isolation, improved their well being and mental attitude while making a difference to their quality of life ensuring they had a memorable break away from hectic and challenging caring responsibilities.
Project Outcomes
20 young carers will tell us they have improved their confidence, resilience, experienced new opportunities and improved their life skills, giving them the chance to pursue activities outside their caring role.