The Project provides unique football sessions for Visually Impaired young people that are unable to take part in main stream sessions. It creates a positive social environment for both the young people and carers to have fun and/or take a break from their caring role.
What VI Football did
The Rangers Charity Foundation delivered 25 bi-weekly football sessions using specialist equipment at Super Soccer Scotland street for VI young people. The sessions ran for 2 hours between 12-2pm - 1.5 hours of football and a half hour at the end of the session to allow some social time between the Parent/carers and young people.
The project is for Visually Impaired young people between the ages of 6-18 and their parents/carers. Although there are opportunities out there for many people with disabilities to take part in either main stream or para football sessions, due to the complexity of visual impairment, young people with this condition are very rarely able to take part in these sort of sessions.
The format for the delivery has been adapted form feedback over the years to ensure we meet the needs of the both participants and their parents/carers. This incorporates individual learning, structured coaching, games and social time.
Sessions can be challenging to deliver due to the different levels of sight, age and ability that the young people have. Our coaches are trained to accommodate everyone and adapt sessions to suit when needed.
Most of our Parents/Carers get involved in the sessions. although there are other option for them to take a break about 70% of parents take part in the sessions as it keeps them active and allows them to interact with their young person over a shard interest. other parents/carers enjoy socialising and watching their young people take part.
As part of the project we also delivered 3 taster session across the country to try and help other organisations develop their own VI football sessions. This was more challenging this year due to staff changes in the SFA Para football network. Although none of these sessions ended up leading to new programmes being delivered they were enjoyed by the young people who attended and created a list of interested participants in each area that can be used as a base to develop sessions in the future.
Overall the project was fantastically well received and made a really positive impact on both the young people involved and their families.
What Rangers Charity Foundation SCIO has learned
Having delivered this project for a number of years now some of things we have leaned that have made the project a success are:
Get the participants and parents/carers involved in decision making, This gives them real ownership of the project and insures you are always adapting to best meet their needs.
Where possible try and have the same staff delivering the sessions, the relationships formed between the coaches and all involved is vital to give the young people stability and help them feel comfortable in the environment.
Start basic and build up, if starting something new and your not sure of the skill/sight levels of the participants them start with simple drills/instructions. its always easier to make something harder once they have the hang of it than the other way around.
Finally although the project does not work with a huge number of people the impact it has on our participants and their families is huge. There is so little out their for VI young people to take part in due to the nature of their condition.
How Rangers Charity Foundation SCIO has benefitted from the funding
The backing that the Rangers Charity Foundation has had from Better breaks has been Fantastic. They are a modern day funder that provide much more than just financial support. they are easily contactable, have a real understanding of what makes a project work, provide networking opportunities and link you in with other organisations that could add value to your work. Without this incredible support we would be unable to offer this service and provide much needed activity and breaks for our young people and their families.
Project Outcomes
Visually Impaired young people will take part a fun sporting activity and feel more confident in a social environment resulting in new friendships
70% of carers/parents said that taking part in the project had expanded their young persons social circle. Making friends can be difficult for a lot of our young people however being in an environment with others who have the same challenges has allowed them to thrive and make lasting friendships.
Case study
I (15) has joined the sessions this year, her Mum L said “ Since joining the project I is more confidence and not shying away from the unknown, she is now taking part in more group activities in school which is something that she has always refused to participate in. The project is fantastic and from day one every family involved make you feel as if you have been part of it for years. The coaches are great with the kids and the change in I’s confidence in just a few months is amazing."
Parent/Carers increase their social groups and support network with people in similar circumstances allowing them to share coping mechanisms and feel better supported.
100% of parents/Carers that took part in the project said that the project had supported them in their caring role. It provides the opportunity to mix with others in the same situation, get advice on what support is out their and strengthen their bonds with their young person through a shared interest.
Case study
E (10) has attended the sessions for about 4 years now, dad F said “The project is something we both look forward to every fortnight - the group who go are now very familiar and are a great support. As E’s parent it has made me have a better relationship with him as his father. Playing football drills against him has made us bond a lot more. I can’t thank the coaches enough for all the hard work they do to make it what it is.”
Visually Impaired young people will be more physically active and better able to express themselves allowing carers to feel more relaxed and less stressed.
100% of parents/carers said that taking part in the project increased their young persons physical activity level and 70% said that it had helped improve their ability to communicate. Out with school there are very little opportunities to take part in activities that meet the needs of our participants so these sessions play a huge role in keeping them physically active.
Case study
E (13) has been involved with the project for a number of years, Dad R said “ The best project for children with visual impairments that we have been involved in. It has been a real confidence builder for E in terms of physical activity and has helped with his fitness and football skills. fantastic coaches and a close knit group that is welcoming to anyone who comes along.”