
To provide respite, a break and an opportunity for young carers to participate in activities and residentials including: 8 days out, Camp & Trek Skye, Ardroy Outdoor Centre (Lochgoilhead), and Scottish Young Carers Festival in 2022.

What Young Carers Crossroads caring for carers Cowal & Bute SCIO has learned

We have learned that there is a high demand for young carers to get a break from their caring role in our area.
We had the difficult task of having to prioritise our activities due to the high volume of young carers wishing to take part, each activity was over-subscribed.
Through consultation with young carers, we were able to identify new activities they wished to attend.
Through partnership working with education, health, social work we have raised awareness and been able to identify hidden young carers.

How Young Carers Crossroads caring for carers Cowal & Bute SCIO has benefitted from the funding

We have strengthened and developed the organisations reputation through awareness raising opportunities, school drop ins, partnership working, trips and activities.
Unfortunately, there was stigmas and discrimination attached to the term young carer and we have made significant progress in challenging these views.

Project Outcomes


1: Young carers will have improved social networks and inclusion.
Target: we will provide 3 residential activities for 34 young carers in Cowal and Bute aged between 8 and 17.
Target 2: We will provide 8-day trips for young carers aged 8 -17 in Cowal and Bute.


This outcome was fully met.
3 residentials were provided.
Ardroy Outdoor Centre in April- 11 Young carers attended for a 2- night residential
Youth Beatz festival in June, 6 young carers enjoyed a 1 night residential.
Scottish Young Carers festival in August, 13 young carers enjoyed a 2-night residential.
Day trips were provided as part of Crossroads summer programme.
115 young carers were took part in activities including boat trips, Heads of Ayr Farm Park, Monty's farm park, Swimming soft play, Trampoline parks and Benmore outdoor centre activities, beach days and cinema trips.

Case study

One young carer was anxious, nervous and worried about attending Ardroy outdoor centre for 2 night residential. This young carer had not had an overnight stay away from their cared for person.
With encouragement and support from staff this young person attended the residential, this young person gained tremendous confidence and self-esteem and built friendships and support from other young carers.
This young carer felt very proud of her achievement and was delighted she had pushed herself out with her comfort zone and thoroughly enjoyed her residential experience. She met knew people and learned new skills and is keen to be able to attend another in the future.
She stated " I've had the best time"