SNAP provided short breaks for children and young people (aged 20 and under) with additional support needs in Highland. This project will provide leisure, recreational and socialisation opportunities for young people and provide valuable, meaningful breaks for carers and siblings.
What SNAP Short Breaks 2023-24 did
We delivered 48 hour Sleepover breaks:
8th September 2023 In Badaguish Lodges the main activity was Landmark Forest Adventure Park and dinner in a restaurant. 8 young people attended and this was a first sleepover for 2 of those young people.
On the 6th October 2023 In Badaguish Lodges the main activity was Landmark Forest Adventure Park. 7 young people attended, one who required 2:1 care. This was a first sleepover for 3 of those young people.
8th March 2024, Aberfeldy Bunk House the main activity was a visit to a local farm and dinner in a restaurant. 7 young people (should have been 8 but called off as unwell) attended and this was a first sleepover for 4 of them.
15th March 2024 Badaguish Lodges, main activities were Cairngorm tubing and Kincraig Wildlife Park. 8 young people attended and this was a first sleepover for 4 of them.
29th March 2023 Badaguish Lodges, Main activities were swimming and Cairngorm tubing. 11 young people attended and this was a first sleepover for 1 of them.
We also delivered 28 hour short breaks:
24th February 2024 Badaguish Lodges, main activities were Infinity Trampoline Park and Funhouse. 6 young people attended and this was a first sleepover for 5 of them.
2nd March 2024 Badaguish Lodges, main activities were swimming and Funhouse. Only 4 young people attended and this was due to complex medical needs and it was a first sleepover for 3 of them.
We identified and chose people to attend the sleepovers by looking at a range of factors.
Speaking to and listening to our young people, many who had requested opportunity for a sleepover. Grouping young people by age/friendships when planning as much as possible. Considering the need of families and whether they were lacking in respite opportunities. A few parents had spoken to us directly about this. Identifying young people that had not had the opportunity to experience a SNAP sleepover before. Speaking to parents/carers. From this we found that not all are ready for their young person to go on a sleepover.
Here are examples of out and abouts which were delivered: -
1st May 2023 Go karting 8 young people
8th July 2023 Hey Duggie Eden court show 8 young people
15th July 2023 Sports Day 13 young people
2nd September 2023 Bubbleman Eden Court 8 young people
16th September 2023 Lazortag 8 young people
27th September 2023 Rollerbowl 8 young people
Carers used their time in various ways while their young person was away. Generally, everybody looked forward to having time to themselves. Here are examples of how some of the carers spent their weekend or their 5 hours when their young person was on an out and about -
- European City Breaks such as Paris and Amsterdam
- Visiting family further afield for example Glasgow, Falkirk
- Helping their daughter move to university
- Meals out
- Socialising
- Relaxing
- Hairdresser
- Lunch with friends
- Reading
- Long lie in!
- Christmas nights out
- Hotel in Edinburgh
- Spending time with siblings
- Shopping
- Catching up on jobs
- Celebrating anniversary
- Watching Netflix
Our greatest success was that we were able to provide a short break for 14 young people who had never experienced this with SNAP before. The majority of these young people had never spent a night away from their carers before. There were a number of young people on these breaks whose carers felt that the experience would be too much for them. They were prepared to take their young person home early if needed. This did not happen, which we see as a huge achievement for the young people and their families. We were also able to take a young person away who has very complex medical needs. His Mum did not think that this would ever be possible and she was so grateful for the opportunity for her son. As a Mum of 5 young children it was a welcome 28-hour break for her.
What SNAP has learned
We realise that some of our families get more respite than others, some get none at all. We have identified who these families are which helps us when delivering the project. Some families did not have funding in place to pay for the costs so we had to liaise with social work for a sleepover to be added to their SDS package so that cost was not a barrier.
Project Outcomes
50 children have had access to a variety of short breaks in the course of the year
57 children accessed a variety of short breaks in the course of the year
Case study
One young girl only started with SNAP last year, she was selectively non-verbal and being home schooled by her mum. The young girl has done so well attending SNAP and we all felt she was ready for her first sleepover. The weekend was a huge success and she chatted all weekend! Her family were all so proud of her and they really enjoyed a very well-deserved break. It has been truly heart-warming for us to see this young girl's confidence grow in such a short period of time at SNAP. Her mum even contacted us recently to say all the positive changes she has seen in her daughter are all thanks to SNAP staff and knowing her boundaries and supporting her.
50 children will have had access to a variety of short breaks in the course of the year, allowing carers to have regular, well planned time off
57 children have had access to a variety of short breaks in the course of the year, allowing carers to have regular, well planned time off
Case study
The parents of one of our young people were able to go away to Amsterdam for 2 nights. They had never visited the city before and they had a wonderful experience. They were able to truly enjoy their break knowing that their child was being well looked after by SNAP staff who they know and trust.
95 carers will have had time off from their caring role, giving them time to relax and feel supported in their caring role
96 carers have had time off from their caring role, giving them time to relax and feel supported in their caring role
Case study
When one young person was given the opportunity to go on her very first sleepover her mum became very emotional when she dropped her off. When asked if she was okay she replied with, ‘this is the first time in 18 years that I have ever had respite, I am so tired and this means a lot to me’.
95 carers and 50 children will report feelings being supported and of improved wellbeing as a result of attending regular breaks with SNAP
96 carers and 57 children have reported feeling supported and of improved wellbeing as a result of attending regular breaks with SNAP
Case study
A staff member spoke to one of the parents when they came to collect their young person from a short break. When asked how her weekend had gone the parent said that she felt refreshed after a relaxing weekend. The parent said that she had enjoyed extra sleep and this was such a rare treat. Feedback from a young person on a weekend break was, ‘I made a new friend and I had so much fun!’.