
The project provides short break activity opportunities for children with additional support needs and their families across Falkirk and Clackmannanshire. The project supports families to have new and fun experiences together, building relationships and providing a break from the stress of caring.

What Short breaks for children with additional support needs and thier families did

The project has delivered 5 short break activity days for children with additional support needs and their families; 1 summer outing to Glasgow Science Centre in August, 3 outings in November and December to a Christmas Pantomime, and 1 outing to Dynamic Earth in March.

143 children and 123 parent carers participated in the outings across the year. Parent carers who currently access support from the Carers Centre were provided with the opportunity to apply for the Better Breaks outings, in addition to the outings being advertised on social media and through other third sector organisations to ensure any new carers were able to apply.

The outings enabled families to spend quality time together, which develops and improves positive relationships which better supports carers to sustain their caring role by reducing stress and anxiety. The activities focussed on building confidence, self esteem and improving the health and wellbeing of the children with additional support needs.

What Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Carers Centre has learned

The project had an underspend this year, so next year more outings will be organised in the summer period when there is more staff capacity and families have more availability due to school holidays

The project has good partnerships with different community groups which ensure carers in harder to engage groups have the same opportunities to access the outings

The project has learned that families prefer smaller group outings more frequently, than one larger outing. They feel with smaller groups they are able to have more time to speak to other families or parent/carers in a meaningful way and this helps to improve their own health and wellbeing. They also feel smaller groups provide children with additional support needs more inclusive play opportunities which makes for a more positive family experience.

How Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Carers Centre has benefitted from the funding

Being successful in securing Better Breaks funding over the last few years has certainly help to improve the projects reputation with families of children with additional support needs and our partners. It demonstrates the breadth of support available at the centre and raises awareness of the services provided.
Due to the success of the Better Breaks outings, further funding is currently being identified to develop and expand the current parent/ carer support which is continually over subscribed and in high demand

Project Outcomes


75 children and young people with additional support needs will have had more opportunities to take part in a fun, stimulating and rewarding activity


This outcome was fully achieved. 123 children and young people with additional support needs participated in outings across the year. 1 to Glasgow Science Centre, 1 to Dynamic Earth and then to a pantomime performance of their choice. The Better Breaks funding enabled the Centre to provide opportunities for children and young people to have fun and rewarding activities in their community, with their peers and families. This promoted positive inclusion, meaningful participation and enabled the children and young people to build their confidence and improve their health and wellbeing.

Case study

One family participated in Better Breaks outings for the first time this year. They had previously tried to attend certain activity venues with their children but due to negative experiences lacked confidence and tended to only go to places nearby that were well known to them. This meant that over time their children were lacking stimulating opportunities which placed additional stress on the family as a whole. Through participating in the activity days, the children have been able to take part in new and exciting activities with their peers which has increased their confidence and health and wellbeing considerably. The outings also provided support to the carers which built their self esteem to try different outings on their own again.


100 carers/young carers will have improved well-being


This outcome was fully achieved, 143 carers of children with additional support needs participated in the Better Breaks outings. By participating in Better Breaks outings carers are able to try new activities and have positive experiences with their families. The activities they participated in were active, fun and stimulating which in turn improved their own health and wellbeing. Carers also had the opportunity to meet other carers and hear about their circumstances which helps to improve confidence and self esteem and decrease social isolation.

Case study

By participating in the short break activity days one parent has been able to meet new friends and build their confidence and self esteem. This parent had previously felt very socially isolated due to their caring responsibilities, and had stopped meeting up with their friends at weekends in case it became too stressful. Through attending the short breaks and meeting other parents in similar situations it has provided the support needed to realise that they are not alone and that they can do things out with their caring role. This has led to an improvement in their own health and wellbeing as they now have the confidence to attend new groups, such as mindfulness to look after their own health and not just focus on the child they are for.


100 carers/young carers will have more opportunities to live a life outside of caring


This outcome was fully achieved, 143 carers of children with additional support needs participated in the Better Breaks outings. By participating in Better Breaks outings carers are able to try new activities and have positive experiences with their families. The activities they participated in were active, fun and stimulating which in turn improved their own health and wellbeing. Carers also had the opportunity to meet other carers and hear about their circumstances which helps to improve confidence and self esteem and decrease social isolation.

Case study

One family participated in Better Breaks outings for the first time this year. They had previous tried to attend certain activity venues with their children but due to negative experiences lacked confidence and tended to only go to places nearby that were well known to them. This meant that over time their children were lacking stimulating opportunities which placed additional stress on the family as a whole. Through participating in the activity days, the children have been able to take part in new and exciting activities with their peers which has increased their confidence and health and well being considerably. The outings also provided support to the carers which built their self esteem to try different outings on their own again.


100 carers/young carers will feel better supported to sustain their caring role


This outcome was fully met. 143 carers participated in the activity outings and over 80% reported that they felt better able to sustain their caring role due to having a break, meeting other carers and building family relationships. During the outings families have the opportunity to get to know each other and find out what other supports are available to them. Quite often families or carers will meet up individually after the outings to provide one another with additional support, this helps carers to feel less stressed and anxious and enables them to better sustain their caring role in a more manageable way that impacts less on their own health and wellbeing.

Case study

Family with a child with severe and complex care needs has joined the Better Breaks outings on a few occasions, due to the level of need the family chose to self-travel and meet the other families at the venues. They stated that having the trip planned and organised can make a significant difference on their ability to get out and about. They said they felt their ability to access activities and events for their youngster is already restricted by so many factors - his medical care, communication needs, lack of accessibility of venues, lack of inclusion in services. The centre’s planning process factors in the aspects of contacting a venue if needed to ascertain their emergency structure for such a child over and above their standard risk assessments. This afford the family an additional degree of confidence not always required by others.


75 children and young people with additional support needs and 100 carers and young carers will have been provided with more opportunities and choices, including better access to mainstream activities and leisure services


This outcome was fully achieved. 143 children with additional support needs and 123 carers participated in the Better Breaks outings. All of the activities that took place across the year were in mainstream venues with the exception of one, which was a needs led outing to a pantomime for children with additional support needs/ sensory difficulties. This pantomime was a big success last year and enabled children with more complex needs a short break with their families, with minimal stress or anxiety. All other activities took place in mainstream venues which enabled the project to raise awareness of the needs of children with additional support needs and their families. It was important that prior to attending that the venues were made aware of the specific needs of the group to ensure all could meaningfully participate throughout the day.

Case study

Family with a child with severe and complex care needs has joined the Better Breaks outings on a few occasions, due to the level of need the family chose to self-travel and meet the other families at the venues. They stated that having the trip planned and organised can make a significant difference on their ability to get out and about. They said they felt their ability to access activities and events for their youngster is already restricted by so many factors - his medical care, communication needs, lack of accessibility of venues, lack of inclusion in services. The centre’s planning process factors in the aspects of contacting a venue if needed to ascertain their emergency structure for such a child over and above their standard risk assessments. This afford the family an additional degree of confidence not always required by others.