
Our project gave a break to families living with a child with autism from their normal caring routine. Families were able to mix with other families without any financial barriers and the worry of struggling to support their child when out of their familiar environment. More so needed this year with the cost-of-living crisis.

What Rest & Play 2023 did

We provided a holiday to Craig Tara where we took 47 Families, we also attended Wildshores, we attended Clyde valley farm park, and we paid for 150 tickets to a pantomime at Christmas. We took our 16-20 year group on an adventure day in March. We have also provided buses and trips to sea life, tree top adventure, Eastlinks Family Park & Laser Tag.

Families and children and young people who are members of REACH Lanarkshire Autism where able to take part, they apply for a space for these activities. Carers and Young People where able to enjoy R&R and have lots of social interaction with their peers. We have been able to decrease huge financial barriers for the participants.

All activities went well, and the feedback we received from Parents and Carers and young people was overwhelming to hear.

A parent carer said "A massive thank you to all those who made Craig Tara with Reach happen. The holiday meant the world to us as a family. It was so lovely to have our own space with amazing views over the sea. (Perfect for watching the air show!). We loved being able to pick out amazing activities which suited our needs and to take part in evening entertainment at our leisure. Reach made this holiday accessible for everyone and feel safe in an environment that would potentially be overwhelming at any other time. We were so excited to meet up with our friends and it made all the difference with getting out and about. This has really helped to create friendships not only with the children but with the other parents and families too. It brought everyone together in the most positive of ways. It’s so important to know we are not alone in our journeys. I was absolutely blown away by the generosity shown and the thoughtfulness that went into it. This was an absolutely amazing experience and one that has brought so many beautiful and lasting memories for us all. Thank you."

How REACH Lanarkshire Autism has benefitted from the funding

It has allowed us to run successful holiday project and activities for our members. It has undoubtedly made a lasting impact on everyone involved. We have had amazing feedback from parents/carers and young people. The overall aim was to help them to try new activities, have respite focus on helping their mental health improve and engagement and to feel less isolated and to reduce any financial burdens and we have been successful.

The participants now go on days out together. Have more confidence to do things on their own too.

We have raised our profile as well as a charity and now are getting more and more people joining us who need support also due to new members and old members talking about us with in schools and in their own communities.

We have built up relationships with the holiday park and other places we have attended and are coming up with ways to help them improve their services for people with ASN.

Project Outcomes


Involvement from our children and young people will increase within our regular activities whilst they gain new skills and confidence by participating in group planning with their peers. This success will be measured on the number of children attending regular activities and on their input into group planning. The increase in these numbers will be then measured and used to implement the need for new activities.

The project activities will be tailored and then delivered to support the needs of around 250 children and young people who are identified as being at risk of social isolation throughout the project. We will continue to deliver regular social and sporting activities to children and young people living with additional support needs as well as identifying and developing in areas that do not currently have any access to these activities.


The project outcome was achieved by delivering the intended outcome above through consultation and discussion groups. We have continued to grow our network of activities and how far we have supported our members. We have attended local schools and expanded our delivery of services. This has resulted in families feeling less isolated within the community knowing that they have a bigger network of support.

The children and young people are expressing themselves within groups and don't feel the need to mask and are gaining friendships with peers.

Case study

Case Study 1

Family A isolated due to living rurally and had financial difficulties 2 children with Autism and a child who was a young carer. We held a consultation evening to discuss new opportunities within their area.

This resulted in Family A expressing their desire to be part of a support network. They joined our charity and have been active members for a year now. Family A now attend three groups and came on the break to Craigtara. We gave them support to get the right benefits for their children and also come along to our family support group.

They now feel included and well supported even though they live in a rural area. The two young people with Autism have shown signs of development and now with the parent support go to meet ups with the friends they have made. The young person who is the young carer has also now got friends who understand the demand of being a young carer.


The young people living with Autism will be able to enhance their skills socially, develop new skills, build confidence, and become more independent alongside their peers. Build new friendship groups and new interests.

They will be able to connect and share experiences with their peers, while sharing common interest, it will allow them to feel accepted and safe and included.


Attendance at groups increased, families are getting more involved in extra activities such as fundraising and events. We have numerous families sign up to Kilt Walk 2024, we now have young volunteers who where members and young carers.

The young people attending have shown growth in their development and confidence has increased greatly in a lot of our young people.