We took young carers aged 8-25 years on three trips 1) Sailing with The Ocean Youth Trust 2) Outdoor activities at the Fordell Firs Centre plus 3) A Christmas party at Fordell Firs. We will also provide a suite of regular activites for Young Adult Carers.
What Residentials and Breaks for Young Carers did
Christmas day Fordell Firs, Young people 8-12, had the opportunity to try new outdoor activities, and make Christmas gifts. Young carers said it was a special treat they wouldn’t normally get. Staff observation showed they connected better with other young people and challenged themselves to do new activities.23 Young Carers 9-13 attended a 2 day residential, Fordel Firs Activity Centre, August 2018. Taking part in night walk, Caving, Zip line, Jacobs Ladder and Pedal Go Karts bouncy castle and ‘gladiator’ activities. Increasing confidence and overcoming fears. Staying away from home gave young people a break from caring responsibilities and opportunity to make friends and have fun as children. SCWBS average scores for the cohort increased by 8 points, with some individual scores ranging from an increase of 2 to 18. Young Carers also completed the Stirling Children’s Wellbeing Scale (SCWBS)Ocean Youth Trust Sailing Trip August18 : 9 young carers, 14-17, attended. Starting and finishing in Oban, Young people crewed the ship sailing to Colonsay Island and Ardfern sailing through the Corryvreckan whirlpool. Split into two groups with Watch Leaders appointed. The watches took turns to steer the boat, hoist sails, ‘tack’, prepare meals, clean and rest, resulting in great communication and fun. Young people developed coping and resilience skills. We also completed Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scales.(WEMWBS.Young Adult Carers took part in activities to support self-development, build self-esteem, resilience and independence. Group trips to, Cinema, Go Ape, Min-Golf, Ghost Tour, Escape room and Horses for Help took place October17-August 18. Young Adults identified these breaks as things they would not normally do and would help build co-operation and friendships within their Support Groups. These have been extremely successful with many young people continuing friendships out with their support group. Self-traveling to activities helped strengthen independence and confidence.
What Fife Young Carers has learned
Developing New Short Break activities
Ocean Youth Trust is a break which exceeded our expectations for the Young People. To watch them grow and develop, facing some extremely tough challenges and meeting these was rewarding for us and their families.
For many families it is not possible to have break from home, due to the nature of the cared for person illness. Being able to offer residential beaks gives time for young people to relax away from home, develop bonds with support workers and provide this support to families who would otherwise not have this opportunity.
Through the trips to Fordel and Ocean Youth trust we have developed relationships with these organisations and are able to work together to deliver future trips designed around the specific needs of young carers.
The relation ship with Ocean Youth trust has allowed links to discounted future trips.
How Fife Young Carers has benefitted from the funding
Our Young Adult Carers attend a monthly support Group. The funding from Creative breaks has allowed for the expansion of this to an addition trip out with the group setting. Young people Self-Traveled to these activities, made bookings and placed orders. All assisting in building their confidence and social skills.
The Ocean Youth Trust crew stated they would welcome the group back for another trip, commending their behavior and attitude throughout the voyage. They identified 6 group members who they would be contacting in regards to bosun and youth leader training.
Project Outcomes
Young carers will be equipped with new skills that enable them to cope with their caring duties in a positive, balanced manner, benefitting their own mental health and wellbeing while ensuring that those that they care for are looked after as best as they can be.
All the trips have allowed young people to build on their self-esteem and well-being. Many of the challenges faced on the Ocean Youth Trust sailing trip were at first daunting , however working together the young people encouraged each other and gained a great sense of achievement when these tasks were accomplished. Great friendships were created and are continue today, allowing a greater social circle for Young Carers who often struggle to develop friendships and can become isolated. Some of the tasks gave Young Carers an understanding of how difficult it can be to cope with adversity, giving a greater understanding of the day to day challenges faced by the person they care for.
Case study
Sammy is 15 and cares for her Mum who has MS, her caring role requires her to provide physical and emotional support to her mum. Additional to coping with her caring role Sammy’s life is further impacted by the severe anxiety she suffers from.
We delivered 2 sessions prior to the trip to allow young people to meet the OYT staff and the other young people who were attending the voyage. Sammy attended the second of these and found it very difficult to cope with meeting the new people in the room, she had a panic attack but was supported by FYC’s workers to take part in the second part of the session.
The night before the trip Sammy’s Mum contacted FYC’s Manager to say that Sammy was struggling with the thought of coming on the trip and was backing out. Her mum was doing some ‘tough love’ and had told Sammy she would need to contact us herself to let us know she wasn’t coming. Sammy didn’t want to disappoint and refused to make the phone call. We agreed with mum that she could if necessary travel with Sammy to the bus pick up point. Sammy found the journey to Oban very difficult but staff used distraction techniques with her and she managed to cope. There was a further anxiety attack on the first night but staff supported her through this.
As the days went on Sammy blossomed and took part fully in all aspects of the trip, she made new friendships and excelled on all the tasks given to her. She was highlighted by the crew to be invited back for bosun and young leader training which she is very keen to take part in. Her initial WEMWBS was 27 (a score of 41 or below is considered below average mental wellbeing), Sammy’s post activity score was 55.
My daughter looks after me, her mum, as I have Multiple Sclerosis. Her caring roles take on a variety of tasks. Due to a significant personal experience, my daughter suffers from severe anxiety and PTSD. At first we did not think that she would even get on the boat as her anxiety levels were through the roof and she was terrified and angry that I had made her go. The Young Carers managed to calm her down enough for her to make the journey to the boat but the actuality of boarding was something else!
After a turbulent and upsetting first night, with help from everyone at YC and the staff with the OYT, my daughter began to relax and engage in the experience. By the end of the trip my daughter was positively glowing and her confidence had been boosted to an exceptional level that none of us expected! Since her return she has remained so positive about this trip that she wants to continue and do her Bosun training. Words cannot express how this trip helped my daughter blossom, both personally and with her confidence to meet and trust new people, and how much as parents we appreciated this and can't thank the staff enough. Thank you ?
Carers will still be in touch with friends made on the breaks, will recommend our residentials and break to others and will want to attend future respite breaks.
Comments from many of our Young Carers who attended the residential and Christmas Day trips to Fordel Firs have showed how much they have enjoyed the activities and meeting new friends, who they will continue to socialist . Some of the comments:
Many of the young people on the trip grew massively in their confidence in their abilities and rose to the many challenges offered to them such as the Jacob’s Ladder and Giant Zip wire. They were observed by staff in improving resilience and forming new friendships.
Case study
Case Study :
John is 12 years old and looks after his Mum and step mum. He does not have access to many opportunities outside of school. John has only just been referred to FYC and not long assessed. This was his first big trip with FYC and had only been at group once before this. He did not know anyone else.
The first day John was quite nervous, however with staff encouragement he came out his shell and made some new friends. By the second day he had gained confidence and flourished at all activities, he worked well as a team and got on well with YC’s and staff. Because of his positive behaviour with the group, John was promoted to ‘Prefect’ to help encourage the younger YC’s on the trip. He took this role in his stride, reassuring them when something was scary and helping them when they needed it.
John was a credit to us on the trip to Fordel Firs, he said himself what a difference it has been for him and allowed him to really connect with other YC’s and make lasting friendships
Young carers will be able to turn to new friends for help and will have a much wider support network. They will feel a closer bond with the support workers attending the residentials and will feel more comfortable turning to them for advice when life is difficult and challenging.
The Young carers attending both the Fordell and Ocean Youth Trust Sailing trip developed close friendships with peers. The nature of the activities required close team work and living so close together, especially on the sailing, with other young people for all backgrounds developed young peoples social skills. Being with support workers for a few days rather than a few hours allowed greater time for 1:1 discussion and building of relationship.
Comments from young people:
“I’m good at steering!”
“my day went better than expected”
“My day went really well as I learnt new skills and got to meet new people”
“Today was good fun – saw a minky whale and learnt to tie knots”
“Cake competition was the best! We won!”
“My goal was to keep calm and I achieved it”
“My goal was to make sure I’m involving myself and I achieved it”
“ I had fun playing cards with everyone and learning new things”
Case study
Sammy is 15 and cares for her Mum who has MS, her caring role requires her to provide physical and emotional support to her mum. Additional to coping with her caring role Sammy’s life is further impacted by the severe anxiety she suffers from.
We delivered 2 sessions prior to the trip to allow young people to meet the OYT staff and the other young people who were attending the voyage. Sammy attended the second of these and found it very difficult to cope with meeting the new people in the room, she had a panic attack but was supported by FYC’s workers to take part in the second part of the session.
The night before the trip Sammy’s Mum contacted FYC’s Manager to say that Sammy was struggling with the thought of coming on the trip and was backing out. Her mum was doing some ‘tough love’ and had told Sammy she would need to contact us herself to let us know she wasn’t coming. Sammy didn’t want to disappoint and refused to make the phone call. We agreed with mum that she could if necessary travel with Sammy to the bus pick up point. Sammy found the journey to Oban very difficult but staff used distraction techniques with her and she managed to cope. There was a further anxiety attack on the first night but staff supported her through this.
As the days went on Sammy blossomed and took part fully in all aspects of the trip, she made new friendships and excelled on all the tasks given to her. She was highlighted by the crew to be invited back for bosun and young leader training which she is very keen to take part in. Her initial WEMWBS was 27 (a score of 41 or below is considered below average mental wellbeing), Sammy’s post activity score was 55.
Sammy’s mum states:
My daughter looks after me, her mum, as I have Multiple Sclerosis. Her caring roles take on a variety of tasks. Due to a significant personal experience, my daughter suffers from severe anxiety and PTSD. At first we did not think that she would even get on the boat as her anxiety levels were through the roof and she was terrified and angry that I had made her go. The Young Carers managed to calm her down enough for her to make the journey to the boat but the actuality of boarding was something else!
After a turbulent and upsetting first night, with help from everyone at YC and the staff with the OYT, my daughter began to relax and engage in the experience. By the end of the trip my daughter was positively glowing and her confidence had been boosted to an exceptional level that none of us expected! Since her return she has remained so positive about this trip that she wants to continue and do her Bosun training. Words cannot express how this trip helped my daughter blossom, both personally and with her confidence to meet and trust new people, and how much as parents we appreciated this and can't thank the staff enough. Thank you ?