
Include Me 2 Club (IM2C) delivered a multi-faceted activity programme to empower cared-for adults with disabilities/multiple ASN to lead more confident, inclusive, and active lives whilst also providing regular respite breaks for their Carers -tackling the isolation and exclusion these groups face

What Include Me 2 - Activities for Adults with disabilities/multiple ASN and Respite Support for their Parents/Carers did

IM2C delivered year-round activities that benefitted 248 Cared-for Adults with disabilities/multiple ASN and 221 Carers.
The support of Creative Breaks has helped Include Me 2 Club run an increase activity programme for Cared-for adults with a range of disabilities and additional support needs(ASN) to improve their lives and that of their Carers. The programme has been very successful to date and has helped us reach/support an increased number of disabled adults to achieve positive outcomes incl., building life skills, confidence/self-belief, new positive support networks, and improved independence, wellbeing, and overall quality of life.
As part of this, we’ve run 5 x weekly clubs, 11 x planned outings for the year, and our “Allotment Angels” gardening scheme. Weekly clubs have included: a Mega Monday Club run on Mondays at the Reidvale Neighbourhood Centre in Dennistoun, Monday Giffnock Social Club, Quiz-oke and Games Nights run on Tuesdays at the Arthulie Club in Barrhead, Wednesday Night Live Clubs run on Wednesdays at Neilston’s Glen Halls, Tuesday Night Social Club at Cardonald. 80-95 individuals attend each of the weekly clubs, much higher than in previous years, with most individuals attending on a weekly basis. over recent weeks we have seen a number of service users now attending multiple clubs over the course of the week due to the choice and flexibility.
We would not have been able to meet this demand/support increased numbers without your generous support. We have also delivered 11 x outings set for the year, including taking adults with disabilities/ASN to enjoy seeing an accessible pantomime in December, bowling nights,Blackpool and Gala Ball. The funding has enables us to continue to offer free outings and it’s been very successful/popular by enabling disabled people to access unique activities that they would not normally be able to engage in but which help them feel more included, stronger, resilient, and support increased independence. Our “Allotment Angels’ gardening scheme has greatly expanded and offered opportunities for an increased number of disabled adults to gain new skills, self-worth, and stronger friendships by working together

What Include Me 2 Club SCIO has learned

Your support helped Include Me 2 Club deliver an increased activity programme that was overwhelmingly successful, both in popularity and in the range of positive outcomes achieved by beneficiaries, with more activities run and beneficiaries supported than initially planned.
Our overall programme helped improve the lives of an incredible 228 x adults with disabilities/multiple ASN and 221 x Parents/Carers: far more than we expected! Your support helped us secure several additional grants which enabled us to offer a wider range of club activities during the year.
during the pandemic we identified the need for a befriending group. during the period covered by this grant award we received a grant towards this to help cover some sessional costs. this resulted in a weekly befriending group taking part in different activities every Tuesday from, cake and coffee, stadium tours, open top bus tours, museums etc. this has grown in popularity. the session has highlighted the need for more day time social events to allow individuals the opportunity to participate as well as offer some day time respite to parents.

How Include Me 2 Club SCIO has benefitted from the funding

The grant kindly awarded by Creative Breaks enabled us to offer more activities and support more people during the year than previously expected, with an incredible 248 x adults with disabilities/multiple ASN and their 221 x Carers supported. We simply would not have been able to do this without your very generous support.
Increasing the number of individuals engaging in our services, and, in turn, the positive word-of-mouth feedback spread throughout the community, has also increased our overall visibility in the Greater Glasgow area. This has led to us receiving many more referrals across all of our services, incl., other services run for disabled adults incl., our monthly Club Late sessions, employability/training support, etc.
Your support in our Allotment Angels gardening scheme has also raised our profile and overall reputation within the community. We hope to further increase this service moving forward in order to offer structured training sessions on gardening, health, and wellbeing.
The demonstrated success from the social clubs we had requested funding for gave us the confidence and ability to expand further and commence two additional social clubs based in Giffnock and Cardonald. This gave opportunity to those who are local to benefit from the services and allowed us to reach out and benefit new members and carers. This has provided further growth to our organisation into new regions and strengthening our reputation further. These clubs quickly became highly popular due to the demonstrated impact ad benefits of the previous clubs. we seen high numbers of attendance from the first session which has only grown in size. it not only provided extra social engagement to the members but also more opportunities for regular respite for the carers.
Increasing the range of overall activities provided for disabled adults has given our sessional workers and volunteers, both disabled and able-bodied, the opportunity to gain more hands-on skills and experiences: helping better prepare them for their own world of work, learning, and personal commitment esp., for our younger team members. In this way, the Project help support active citizenship and contributes to the local community.

Project Outcomes


170 x adults with disabilities/ASN and their Parents/Carers will have been supported to re-engage in the community, access a range of opportunities otherwise inaccessible, and develop new skills and support networks.


Parents/Carers of adults with disabilities/ASN received much-needed respite breaks on a regular basis through the year to focus on their own health/wellbeing, spend time with their partner/friends, or take up new hobbies/activities. 248 adults with disabilities/ASN engaged in a wide range of services. During the year, this included 5 weekly clubs offering inclusive activities, 11 free outings, and an expanded "Allotment Angels" gardening scheme. These services helped disabled adults build confidence, life skills, increased independence, and new friends via shared experiences.
221 Carers were supported to access regular, much-needed respite breaks, helping them de-stress, focus on themselves, and build their own friends/support networks, incl., with other Carers via a weekly digital support session: helping them feel more positive/confident in continuing their caring role
Engaging in positive independent experiences helped Carers/disabled adults build stronger, more positive relations

Case study

Jamie - We had first learned about Jamie(26M) 3 years ago and stepped in to help after he became homeless through not fault of his own but because of his dad own challenges and problems. Although a few of our qualified volunteers first helped him access temporary accommodation and assistance, he quickly started accessing our weekly social clubs where he truly flourished and we could visibly see the positive changes made each week. During the past 15 months, Jamie has actively sought out new learning opportunities and we've helped him transition to first become a volunteer at our events and then, in January 2020, enrolled him as one of the first employability trainees in our "Social Blend Coffee Shop and Skills Hub." Jamie went on to develop his own skills to the extent that he was a common face around the coffee shop regularly opening/closing and also taking on other trainees and volunteers on the programme. He successfully began training and developing hospitality skills for many of the new trainees. in 2021 Jamie began to undertake a 6 week DJ Skool programme in which he learnt DJing skills. this enabled him to build confidence and skills to be able to DJ at our ASN clubbing nights at G2- The Garage. the skills he learnt allowed him to set up his own business as a DJ, DJ-ing at private events. this has unlocked a income stream in a field that he is passionate about.
Jamie said: "I don't know where I would be or what I would be doing without IM2C. They've helped me so much and literally helped save my life and got me through the worst time of my life. Before I felt so alone and isolated, I had little to no friends or opportunities but IM2C has given me purpose and opportunities to learn. Now I'm here, training, dj-ing, have so many more friends, and was recently in my first relationship. Working towards learning and just feeling part of my community is amazing. I can't thank them enough."


Parents/Carers of adults with disabilities/ASN will have received much-needed respite breaks on a regular basis through the year to focus on their own health/wellbeing, spend time with their partner/friends, or take up new hobbies/activities that were previously inaccessible due to their caring role


Parents/Carers of adults with disabilities/ASN received much-needed respite breaks on a regular basis through the year to focus on their own health/wellbeing, spend time with their partner/friends, or take up new hobbies/activities. 248 adults with disabilities/ASN engaged in a wide range of services. During the year, this included 5 weekly clubs offering inclusive activities, 11 free outings, and an expanded "Allotment Angels" gardening scheme. These services helped disabled adults build confidence, life skills, increased independence, and new friends via shared experiences.
221 Carers were supported to access regular, much-needed respite breaks, helping them de-stress, focus on themselves, and build their own friends/support networks, incl., with other Carers via a weekly digital support session: helping them feel more positive/confident in continuing their caring role
Engaging in positive independent experiences helped Carers/disabled adults build stronger, more positive relations

Case study

George - George is the parent and primary carer of Alasdair and Chloe, both of whom have Fragile X Syndrome and several health conditions. The family has engaged with IM2C for 9 years during which we've helped Alasdair and Chloe transition into adulthood/adult services. George advised he's seen a huge difference in his two children since they started engaging in IM2C. He had previously found it challenging to cope with the changes experienced whilst his kids transitioned from one life stage to the next so finding a settled place in which they can grow and thrive has been life-changing and has had a dramatic impact on the family. However, as his children began to thrive and build their own networks, he began to feel more isolated and lonelier and looked to engage in new opportunities. This led him to start volunteering with IM2C towards the end of 2019. the volunteering role has allowed him to flourish and form friendship groups of his own. the regular respite has given him the freedom and opportunity to look after his own wellbeing and mental health. George says he has dedicated his life to looking after and nurturing his children and the volunteering role at IM2C has given him a purpose and a sense of self worth. Georges volunteering role has led him to be a parent trustee on the board for IM2C bringing valuable experience and knowledge to the board to help guide and shape future services.


Parents/Carers of adults with disabilities/ASN will have received much-needed respite breaks on a regular basis through the year to focus on their own health/wellbeing, spend time with their partner/friends, or take up new hobbies/activities that were previously inaccessible due to their caring role


Parents/Carers of adults with disabilities/ASN received much-needed respite breaks on a regular basis through the year to focus on their own health/wellbeing, spend time with their partner/friends, or take up new hobbies/activities. 248 adults with disabilities/ASN engaged in a wide range of services. During the year, this included 5 weekly clubs offering inclusive activities, 11 free outings, and an expanded "Allotment Angels" gardening scheme. These services helped disabled adults build confidence, life skills, increased independence, and new friends via shared experiences.
221 Carers were supported to access regular, much-needed respite breaks, helping them de-stress, focus on themselves, and build their own friends/support networks, incl., with other Carers via a weekly digital support session: helping them feel more positive/confident in continuing their caring role
Engaging in positive independent experiences helped Carers/disabled adults build stronger, more positive relations

Case study

J has cerebral palsy and also is a parent of a teenager with an ASN. Throughout their lives, they have always found it hard to adjust, take part in activities together and independently, and socialise. They have however, really enjoyed IM2C as it provides a continually evolving programme of activities and as the club environment enables them to move from group to group and activity to activity as needed, helping them stay actively engaged and greatly increasing both their social skills and overall enjoyment of socialising/being with other people. Often J will attend or volunteer at the session with her teenage child-JG also getting a chance to participate or assist. this has allowed them to engage in an activity and clubs as individuals- widening their own personal social experiences and also at times participating as a family. j has said she feels grateful for the opportunity to volunteer and feel she is giving back to the organisation and community that has helped her and her family feel supported.