Haven Breaks @ Home Provides carers of/and individuals affected by life limiting illness across Lanarkshire with emotional/wellbeing support, peer support and bespoke home activity packs, creating opportunities for carers to access a short breaks on their own and/or with their loved ones.
What Haven Breaks @ Home did
The Haven Breaks @ Home project has supported a total of 118 individuals (74 carers and 44 cared for) affected by life limiting illness, predominantly across Lanarkshire, to access short breaks from within their own homes. It has been critically important for this vulnerable client group to have opportunities to access breaks from the safety of their own home due to their ongoing extreme clinical vulnerability to covid and for some, ongoing anxieties regarding re-engaging with in person activities.
We have supported carers and cared for individuals to access short breaks both together and apart though the delivery of individual and small group relaxation activities and through providing bespoke and individually tailored Wellbeing Toolkits which contained therapeutic and creative activities. Toolkits included resources such as relaxation and mindfulness books and CDs, creative craft kits and resources to encourage outdoor activities such as window sill gardening and bird watching.
Individuals who would benefit from our project were identified from existing and new Haven clients by the Haven Nurse at their WIN (What's Important Now) assessment - strengths and assets based framework which helps clients to identify their most important needs and goals/outcomes which they wish to work towards.
A particular success of this project is the flexibility in accessing short breaks that the Wellbeing Toolkit resources provide. Providing resources which can be used multiple times and without the ongoing support/intervention from Haven Practitioners creates ongoing longevity for breaks which carers and cared for individuals can access and allows them to do so at a time which suits with their complex caring routines.
Feedback collected from clients throughout the duration of this project has been hugely positive with feedback relating to the positive impacts of the toolkits and the group sessions (relaxation and yoga). We will now build on this success by further developing our range of Wellbeing Activities to support clients, continuing Wellbeing Toolkit resources and a range of group sessions, with support of Creative Breaks 2021-2022 funding.
What The Haven Caring Counselling Communication Centre has learned
Carers needs during the pandemic have continually been changing, especially as the pandemic restrictions changed, new variants emerged and pressures on health and social care support services have led to a decrease in carer support available. It became clear that in order to most effectively support our carers needs that our services/opportunities must also be flexible to change and development. We have continued to ensure that carers have been involved in the shaping and development of this project by gathering their feedback and input to inform the contents of the Toolkits. For example, many clients highlighted that their physical wellbeing had deteriorated as a result of covid restrictions and ongoing anxieties about participating in activities they used to do as lockdowns lifted such as walking with friends or going to exercise classes. We know that physically wellbeing and emotional and mental wellbeing are closely linked, so to support the wellbeing or carers and cared-for individuals whilst creating opportunities for breaks we introduced yoga gentle movement group session delivered online. To maximise the impact of these sessions yoga based Wellbeing Toolkits were also introduced to provide resources such as yoga blocks and mats.
In April 2021 our Finance and Administration Co-ordinator left the organisation. Interim measures were put in place however we did experience some challenges in the tracking of the budget spend and communication between the service delivery team and the finance monitoring team. This combined with a reduced service delivery team over the summer months due to staffing holidays resulted in an underspend of budget towards the end of the project. To ensure that this des not occur again in the future we have refined our budget tracking and reconciliation systems and improved communication channels between those in the service delivery and finance teams.
We have exceeded the numbers of carers and cared-for individually that we had initially anticipated supporting through this project. We know that the impact of the covid pandemic has intensified the needs of cares and card-for individuals and that demand for services has increased. The fact that we have exceeded intended client numbers highlights to us that our signposting pathways with local health and social care, community and third sector organisations are effective. Our programme of share and learn events held with local partners help to maintain awareness of Haven services, provide opportunities to share successful Haven approaches to supporting carers and cared-for individuals and to learn from others success and to maintain effective signposting pathways, ensuring that those who need Haven support can access services at the right time to suit their needs.
How The Haven Caring Counselling Communication Centre has benefitted from the funding
Funding from the Creative Breaks fund has enabled The Haven to expand and further develop and refine our pilot Wellbeing Toolkits service which was introduced at the beginning of the covid pandemic, facilitating the implementation of Wellbeing Toolkits as a core feature of Haven services. We have since further developed services to include a comprehensive Wellbeing Activities programme which incorporates our Wellbeing Toolkits and a range of 1:1 and small group wellbeing activities including relaxation, breathing, gentle movement and creative activities. We are delighted that following this success of this project we have been successful in securing funding from Creative Breaks for the year ahead to continue the development and delivery of these services.
Project Outcomes
A minimum of 40 carers will report that they have been able to take more breaks from their caring responsibilities as a result of participation in the Haven Breaks @ Home project.
We have exceeded this project outcome as a total 74 carers participated in the Haven Breaks @ Home project which provided carers with resources and activities to participate in which provides a break from their caring role.
We know that carers have accessed a break from the feedback we have received. For example:
"I was really able to visualise this relaxation - all of my senses were involved and it as if I was there - the perfect place for me to go"
"I feel so calm and rested - the relaxation is revealing thigs to me - I need to make time to do things for me, things that I enjoy"
"[Yoga] sessions are fabulous just incredible. I watch the videos 2 to 3 times a week and I use the [yoga] ball form the toolkit"
"the effects of relaxation stay with me a long time afterwards. Different breathing techniques - I use bits from sessions every day."
Case study
Client A is the sole carer for her husband, who lives with Dementia and whose condition deteriorated during lockdown. His reduced ability to communicate placed additional pressure on her caring role which she describes as exhausting. The impact of the dementia on her husband has brought up feelings of sadness, helplessness ad loss within her. Her son, is also struggling to understand the illness.
A full holistic WIN assessment was conducted with the carer to determine what was most important for her. following this a co-produced programme of Haven support was developed which included Wellbeing Toolkits and Wellbeing Activities in addition to Nurse support sessions and support from The Haven Children, Young People and Families Service Co-ordinator.
As a result of Haven support and Haven Breaks @ Home this client has achieved positive outcomes of: better able to cope in caring role; able to take a break from caring; improved emotional and mental wellbeing; more able to do things which are enjoyable and meaningful to them; increased self-management coping skills.
“I now come into this room when I need to relax and take time out for me, I’m going to call it “My Haven Room”. I’ve told my son not to disturb me when I’m in here. It’s where I can put some nice music on and I can do my cross stitch. After finishing the cross stitch kit you sent me as part of the wellbeing toolkit I bought myself another one and now I’m making a cross stich cushion. I come into my room to do my cross stich and listen to the Lifting Your Spirits (relaxation) CD. I’ve made myself an “SOS” box. Its where I’ve put all of the self-management resources you sent me and it’s what I use if I need some time out for me. I also attended a zoom massage session at St Andrews Hospice and have found out that Lanarkshire Carers will pay for another break away for me when I need it. All of these things have helped me too. The Haven sent me out some books that I could read with my son, to explain how the dementia is going to affect his Dad in the future, being able to talk with Caroline (Haven Children, Young People and Families Service Co-ordinator) about how to have this conversation with my son has really helped. I feel as things are on the up now and have my “break space” and resources to help me even more”
A minimum of 40 carers will report feeling better able to cope in their caring role as a result of accessing the Haven Breaks @ Home project.
Of the 74 carers supported through this project, 20 have reported that they are now better able to cope in their caring role. For a lot of other carers their primary outcome they identified was to feel more relaxed. At the same time the carers feedback highlights, and we recognise that carers will experience an indirect benefit on their ability cope in their caring role will have been increased as a result of their improved wellbeing.
We also recognise that for some with extremely challenging caring relationships it may not always be possible to improve this but it is important to maintain and sustain the level of coping that they are at.
"Mindful colouring helps to focus my mind. I use it when I feel annoyed. I use my wellbeing journal the same way as if I was talking to my friends, I download."
Case study
Client A is the sole carer for her husband, who lives with Dementia and whose condition deteriorated during lockdown. His reduced ability to communicate placed additional pressure on her caring role which she describes as exhausting. The impact of the dementia on her husband has brought up feelings of sadness, helplessness ad loss within her. Her son, is also struggling to understand the illness.
A full holistic WIN assessment was conducted with the carer to determine what was most important for her. following this a co-produced programme of Haven support was developed which included Wellbeing Toolkits and Wellbeing Activities in addition to Nurse support sessions and support from The Haven Children, Young People and Families Service Co-ordinator.
As a result of Haven support and Haven Breaks @ Home this client has achieved positive outcomes of: better able to cope in caring role; able to take a break from caring; improved emotional and mental wellbeing; more able to do things which are enjoyable and meaningful to them; increased self-management coping skills.
“I now come into this room when I need to relax and take time out for me, I’m going to call it “My Haven Room”. I’ve told my son not to disturb me when I’m in here. It’s where I can put some nice music on and I can do my cross stitch. After finishing the cross stitch kit you sent me as part of the wellbeing toolkit I bought myself another one and now I’m making a cross stich cushion. I come into my room to do my cross stich and listen to the Lifting Your Spirits (relaxation) CD. I’ve made myself an “SOS” box. Its where I’ve put all of the self-management resources you sent me and it’s what I use if I need some time out for me. I also attended a zoom massage session at St Andrews Hospice and have found out that Lanarkshire Carers will pay for another break away for me when I need it. All of these things have helped me too. The Haven sent me out some books that I could read with my son, to explain how the dementia is going to affect his Dad in the future, being able to talk with Caroline (Haven Children, Young People and Families Service Co-ordinator) about how to have this conversation with my son has really helped. I feel as things are on the up now and have my “break space” and resources to help me even more”
A minimum of 40 Carers and 20 cared-for individuals will report being: more able to relax; less stressed, anxious and/or socially isolated as a result of accessing the Haven Breaks @ Home project.
A total of 118 Haven clients (74 carers and 44 cared for individuals) have accessed activities and resources which support their emotional and mental wellbeing: reducing stress and anxiety and help clients be more able to relax.
"My aim is to feel calmer - I use my colouring book to help me do this. I love it! It helps me concentrate and takes my mind away from things. I find it therapeutic"
"I've been doing my breath awareness every time I make a cup of tea...When I breath out its as if everything is going out - I want it away" "these sessions are teaching me things I didn't know!"
"I'm so relaxed- I can't believe I did that!" "I'm in a different place - I felt so relaxed every time I breathed out" " it was like I was on a beach just by myself"
"It’s great to be with other people going through a similar things and hear their experiences with the exercises too”
Case study
Client B is a carer for her mum who has dementia. This clients main issue was being able to manage her mums challenging behaviour’s. Client was also struggling to 'switch off' from her situation and was continually on alert and not sleeping at night.
In collaboration with the client, The Haven Nurse identified that she may benefit from Wellbeing Toolkit resources to help her relax and improve sleep. Given the ongoing and changeable nature of her mothers dementia, resources which promote the development of self-management coping skills would have been of particular benefit.
Client feedback highlights the positive impact on her emotional and mental as a result of accessing support through The Haven Breaks @ Home project.
"Lifting Your Spirits (relaxation book and CD) it has been so good better than any of the apps I have used to help me relax. I have used it and makes me feel very relaxed and I fall into a more relaxed sleep. I reach for it every night. The Little Book of Breathing makes sense, it makes me think about my breathing and what it is doing for me. I concentrate on the healthy breath and it get rids of the negativity and all the stress. They have enabled me to see that stress and anxiety were having an impact on my physical health. I was not aware of that before. Using the breath properly is like a cleansing, I will use these tools for a long time. It works it’s so simple."