A unique timeshare experience where with one click, parents can choose regular weekly or monthly 2 hour breaks to discover something new or just relax and recuperate knowing their young people are making new friends and learning life skills.
What Fabb’s U-Too Timeshare Project – U-Click; U-Choose; U-Discover did
• What short break activities you delivered
39 carers completed a Time for Me person-centred plan. 38 carers agreed a joint plan and 1 an individual plan. Followed by 24 hours free time from their caring role, taken in 2 hour slots weekly or monthly. 39 carers received 24 hours free support. (936 hrs )
32 young people establish All about me, their own person-centred plan. The plan includes personal life skills, regular exercise programmes, nutrition and diet plan, leisure activities and social programmes. Followed by 24 hours free mentoring from Timeshare to support them follow their plan.
• Where and when these activities took place
24 carers enjoyed a regular 2 hour weekly slot for 12 weeks. 15 carers enjoyed a monthly break on a Friday evening.
The project ran from October 2018 until October 2019
The project was primarily for carers and the young disabled adults they care for, although siblings and other family members also participated and benefited. The majority of participants for this pilot project were on our current database and 25% of participants were new to the organisation.
The project will provide more choice and control and seeks to find new, more effective ways of increasing carers’ choice, control and confidence in accessing short breaks that meet their needs.
This pilot project puts carers at the centre and helps them look for a long term, sustainable plan that will enable them to have time for themselves outside their caring role.
The pilot was successful in providing a stepping stone for young people into other residential opportunities that provide carers with more quality time for themselves.
The project was challenging at times due to the loss of the key person leading the project and the impact on other staff and volunteers.
The project did progress but later than planned. If we could have created simpler on line planning tools at the beginning, however the project has shown us what is required.
What Fabb Scotland has learned
• Reaching out to and engaging with new carers . The need for a short break to enable transition to a longer break is very important for new carers
• Partnership working - an inclusive progressive framework with partners will sustain carers as young people grow and develop in confidence and benefit from more inclusive mainstream services , however partnership working is currently very challenging
• Dealing with unexpected challenges or opportunities - staff bereavement had a major impact on our organisation and this project in particular.
How Fabb Scotland has benefitted from the funding
We have been able to pilot a new project and develop our skills and knowledge base.
The information gained from working directly with parents and carers has reinforced the research and evaluation information we have gathered over a number of years.
Project Outcomes
40 disabled adults will have completed All about Me plans and 24 hours free mentoring
40 young people participated in a session with a qualified life coach to establish All about me, their own person centred plan.
Case study
12 young people identified training and employment as part of their plans. The group of 12 reformed the Fabb Young Zone to encourage and mentor each other. The group have agreed roles and will meet monthly, to plan new projects, to advocate for their own services and to represent over 250 young disabled people through various forums.
40 carers will have benefited from 960 hours free time from their caring role
39 carers completed a Time for Me person-centred plan. 38 carers agreed a joint plan and 1 an individual.
39 carers booked 24 hours free time from their caring role weekly and monthly ( 936 hours)
24 carers enjoyed a regular 2 hour weekly slot for 12 weeks. 15 carers enjoyed a monthly break.
Case study
Parents of EK used their time to plan a holiday together. EK progressed from the weekly group to participate in longer breaks, including weekend breaks and youth exchanges to Europe with Fabb. Her growing confidence and wider circle of friends enabled her parents to plan their first holiday together while EK was holidaying with her friends. Now EK parents are renovating their home when EK is on longer breaks with Fabb.
40 carers will feel better supported to sustain their caring role
39 carers completed a Time for Me plan which included agreed targets after the free time period. 30 carers continued to take time for themselves and followed their plan, 9 carers were unable to continue to follow their plan for a number of reasons. These included, lack of resources /funding, other family committments and feeling guilt for taking time to themselves.
Case study
Parent of AB completed a time for me plan that included a weekly walking programme. She had difficulties staying active following an injury that restricted her mobility and effected her emotional wellbeing. The planned programme aided her recovery and she now regularly participates in walking, including treking holidays, while AB is on Fabb breaks.