
Children Inc is a local independent charity based in East Lothian. We work with children and young people who have additional support needs aged from 5 to 21 years and their families/carers. To promote inclusion, build confidence and independence within their communities.

What Children Inc East Lothian did

Short breaks delivered: Karele x2 13/4/17 East Linton sensory equine experience, Urban nature, venue based 12/4/18 , Jump-in 18/7/18+ 19/7/18 and Orcadia 4/4/17 trampolines, Cinema 5/4/17 Fraser centre, Flight museum East Fortune Oct 17, Quiet lego group 6/4/17 venue base, Lively lego group 6/4/17, Outdoor easter egg hunt Venue based 10/4/17,Febuary one day robot art work shop Easter party venue based April18. We also delivered twice weekly groups from Feb 17 till present with exception of a few month due to staffing.
Registered children inc families where invited to note interest to each event staff did their best to meet needs for each individual child.
Venue based groups parents/Carers could drop of their children or could stay relax and have a cuppa. Parents/Carers where able to spend time with other children.
Recruited a local artist, recruited a young energetic psychology student. All staff have completed child protection training with east Lothian council. We have worked in partnership with Venture Out, Beyond the Boundaries, Team United, Carers of East Lothian, get connected and Zoe Murdoch (ELC). We have updated our trademark branded logo and social media.
All of the above was highly successfully apart from staffing difficulties at present our regular groups have a long waiting list witch we hope we can accommodate these families in the near future.

What children inc east lothian has learned

• Dealing with unexpected challenges or opportunities

In the past 8 months we have dealt with 2 members of our management team leaving us with no formal staffing team. In a result a member of our board stepped up and took the whole project on Voluntary this included having to changing names over from all the appropriate agencies that needed to be changed. It also meant we went from having 2 full time staff to having 1 volunteer who was able to work 2 days a week. From this we learnt that communication is key. At present we have a great team of sessional staff that all have a successful working relationship and can work great as a team.
• Finding other sources of funding

Finding sources of funding has proved difficult due to not having any full time staff who are able to apply for different funds. Due to this we employed a professional to apply for several funding applications however she failed to do this and left us in in the lurch with no finished application the board then made the decision to let her go and go down a different avenue to apply for funding. From this we learnt in the future we will have regular supervisions and staff meetings to ensure we are all supporting and working together.
• Reaching out to and engaging with new families

Reaching out and engaging with new families is becoming difficult due to our already high numbers. We currently have 120 children on our books. We only have 28 spaces in our clubs and 8 spaces in our Art club resulting in the 3 of them with very high waiting lists. Due to our waiting lists we don’t have the resources to take steps forward with new families. From this we have learnt there is a great need in east Lothian for charity’s like ours.

How children inc east lothian has benefitted from the funding

Better breaks funding has improved our Charity by having the budget to support children and families to improve parents and carers wellbeing, to help support the children grow in confidence and to build friendships. It has helped us link into East Lothian council, art and drama department. We have also linked with flip to sign post our parents to seek advice from. Linking with COEL has given support to the charity and has allowed us to grow as an organisation, as we have worked as a team referring families to each other.
We have been able to train all our current staff in child protection ensuring the safety of our children and families as well as our staff. We have strengthened our reputation by working alongside COEL. Our parents speak highly of us and our organisation and frequently sign post other families to us.
We have been able to expand to a better equipped premises to support our children and allow them when needed to have as much space as they need. We have also been able to run 2 groups instead of the one doubling the amount of children that can attend.
Through better breaks funding 1 of the staff members we employed is a local freelance artist who is highly regarded within the community. Through his involvement in the groups we realised Art is a therapeutic activity and has been a great success. We then looked into different funding and secured “your voice your choice funding” we used this money to run a separate successful Art club and running a 1 day graffiti style work shop

Project Outcomes


More than 20 children will have tried a new activity and have a positive experience. Our children will have support to make friends.


We have 2 successful clubs to present that run weekly. We have 14 kids attending each evening club and a waiting list. We have also ran several outing days throughout school holidays and weekends. We have ran one to one sessions allowing the children to build their confidence and get to try different activities. By doing the above we have allowed parents to get a small break while the clubs run as well as some time to speak to other parents in the same situation.
The children will have more opportunities for a safe and constructive play this will improve self-confidence and be better prepared for transition to adulthood.

Case study

We were referred a family in crisis with 2 children with additional needs. There oldest child at the end of last year was diagnosed with a life threating illness. As a family they were struggling as a lot of their attention was being spent on their oldest child. We then invited there youngest child to attend both our clubs weekly. In result of him attending his confidence has massively increased and he now has the ability to play with his peers. The family have noticed the child’s behaviour at home has improved greatly. The child now attends other clubs that the family were sign posted by us as he now has the confidence and shows less anxiety when he tries new activity’s out with his routine.


Children and young people with disabilities (aged 20 and under) and their carers will have improved wellbeing


Cares have been given the opportunity to build friendships and sign post each other to different organisations. They have also been able to support each other regarding similar situation that they have been in. Carers will have grown in confidence and are more likely to involve there children in mainstream activities.

Case study

Through questionnaires we have had all good feedback from parents in regards to their wellbeing.
When we first started our clubs we had a family that where finding it especially difficult to get there child to leave the house they were showing a lot of challenging behaviour and the whole experience for the parent was very difficult. We worked together with the family implementing small social stories and a transitional object. Which was great for the parent’s wellbeing as she was able to come to club and have a few hours to herself every week. The child now gets excited and is very motivated to attend our club.


Carers of children and young people with disabilities (aged 20 and under) will have more opportunities to enjoy a life outside of their caring role


Cares have been given the opportunity to build friendships and sign post each other to different organisations. They have also been able to support each other regarding similar situation that they have been in. Carers will have grown in confidence and are more likely to involve there children in mainstream activities.

Case study

We have recently invited carers and their children with siblings along to jump in once a week where they have the opportunity to access all areas of the trampoline centre. We have given families the opportunity to bring siblings along to make it easier for families to access these actives. With making sure that we have enough staff coming along to these activities and working alongside the staff of the establishment this ensures the safety and inclusion off all children that come along. Promoting the children confidence and social skills alongside friendship building and peer support linking in with other families that are going through the same difficulties and finding clubs to suit their childs needs. Children inc have fulfilled this to the families we support the children build the confidence to access main stream actives.


Carers of children and young people with disabilities (aged 20 and under) will feel better supported to sustain their caring role


We have had parents/carers/grandparent’s/aunties/uncles and siblings who all attend our clubs with their child. Through their time spent at the clubs we have been able to give support and general advice. We have been able to sign post to different community based organisations and linking them in to carers of East Lothian. Parents have also heard other family’s experiences and been able to support and learn from. They have all been able to give and receive advice.

Case study

One of our parents who has 3 children, 2 with additional needs and challenging behaviour has attended our clubs she has approached us on several occasions for support and guidance and she feels she has no one else to go to in these circumstances. When information is not there at the time we have researched and found out the relevant paperwork or organisation who would be able to support her in her present caring role.