Break Out is a redesigned version of our highly succesful Short Breaks programme for young people and their families. It provides a member-led, varied programme of activities during school holidays. There will be an increased focus on health and wellbeing activities, learning new skills .
What Break out did
We delivered a wide variety of activities throughout the holidays, ranging from fishing , music , creative arts , water sports . Family events are very popular with all are members and these activities took park throughout Dumfries & Galloway to allow our members to access events close by to themselves . We get constant feedback from all participants of where they would like to go to along and localised a variety of activities locally for them . We have also offered a broader range of small group activities across the region, fishing horse riding and music sessions.
We have be able to offer families opportunities to learn new skills , to meet other families and make friendships and most importantly have fun in stress free environment .
We've had a very successful year with our members. Showing that we have increased opportunities to work with members gaining more confidence in new skill based activities this has been demonstrated through feedback received and the uptake from new members increasing to be involved rather than be on their own and feeling isolated.
After consultation with the young people they told us they wanted to go on a day trip. We looked into places that were accessible for both from the East & West region.
So we had are very first out of region excursion to Glasgow Science Centre with two buses going from Dumfries & Galloway this seen over 102 young people and their families. We had full use of the Science Centre along with the planetarium for the afternoon. This was very successful for all that went and they all felt very relaxed, this will be something that we hope to do more of in our family events.
Feedback : I liked the rocket ride the best . I loved the stars. Fun lots of activities for every one.
We asked parents prior to Christmas as to what would be beneficial for them over the period and they suggested all coming together for a Christmas Party. We had a lot of uptake for this which meant our first venue choice had to change to a bigger venue in Dumfries. We had 150 young people along with family members attending. We arranged for a Disco, Buffet, Facepainter , party games.
What Parents Inclusion Network has learned
We plan our short breaks well in advance with clear budgets, with every activity we planned for over the last year coming in either under or on budget. Having this plan before the holidays start means we can see where we can increase participant numbers on certain activities. We have learnt that there will be more popular activities than others so we run a booking procedure where families request which activities they would like to attend and we then confirm which of the activities they have been booked onto. This enables us to encourage new members to come along to their first activities with us and to prioritise families living in the local area to the activity.
Through working with a variety of local attractions we have been able to identify where is more suited to our families, in terms of accessibility, staff knowledge of disability at the venues, travel times and restrictions on participant numbers. By having this local knowledge we are able to offer our families the best experience we can at the activities and reduce any stress or anxiety they may have.
How Parents Inclusion Network has benefitted from the funding
Throughout our feedback at our activities families have always said they would like to have a day away out of the region so last October we had our first bus trip to Glasgow science museum. We hired 2 busses to go from Dumfries and Stranraer in the morning and had arranged with the science museum to have someone help us when we got there. The day was a huge success with sing-a-longs on the bus, fun at the museum for every member of the family and a lot of tired children when they got home! By having the opportunity to facilitate a bigger trip outwith the region we can build on that start and hopefully offer the same again this year which our families will be very excited about.
Project Outcomes
Disabled children and their families will have taken part in multiple social opportunities throughout the region during the 12 months. These activities are organised throughout the school holidays.
We organised over 40 activities throughout the year with a broad spectrum of opportunities, which were accessible for all our young people with disabilities. Activities included Sports and Leisure activities including sailing, kayaking, gymnastics, ball sports and trampolining. Nature activities with visits to the local forestry commission areas, the beach and local parks. New experiences including fishing and horse riding and visiting popular local attractions like Cocobean Chocolate Factory and Cream o Galloway adventure park. These activities were organised in several areas across the region including Moffat, Sanquhar, Dumfries, Castle Douglas and Stranraer. We also had activities outwith the region including tenpin bowling and museum visit.
Case study
Many of the disabled children and young people we work with are socially isolated at school and within their local community. They lack the opportunity to make friends and maintain friendships. During our Family Days last summer one of our parents expressed worries about their child M, struggling to engage with other children on the day. She and her partner felt their M was lonely and had no friends. At school M is frequently isolated in the playground and finds playtime very stressful. His concern about venturing from his parents was clearly evidence by M sitting with his parents and being unable to explore the environment or reach out to other children. Staff took the time to engage with M and introduced him to two brothers with LD and slightly older than M whom the staff member knew would be supportive and caring towards M. This helped M to feel it was safe to move away from his parents to be able to enjoy playing and exploring with the brothers. M’s parents now find it easier to encourage him out of bed and out of the house during school holidays when PIN activities are on because he knows he will feel safe, less stressed and have fun with new friends. The children now look out for each other at PIN events.
Our families will be in contact of the network of families locally to gain support and advice with the adults and children built friendships and experienced new social activities.
We have provided a comprehensive range of activities for all our members. We give priority booking to all new families. We spend time with new families to help them engage and introduce them to members to make friendships. We also invite them to attend other events to build on those friendships and experiences.
Case study
In Newton Stewart we had a volunteer who supported the coordinator throughout the holidays, she played a very valuable role which enabled a family to stay and take part in a session. This was the first time this family had attended any of our holiday activities. Mum was very anxious about coming along as she had always felt judged in the past. She has three children, two of which are on the Autistic spectrum one who is 13, very verbal, and one 7 who is on the severe end of the spectrum with little verbal communication. The volunteer sat in a quiet part of the room trying to engage and chat with the 13 year old who felt she was too old to be at the session, however once the volunteer realized she was obsessed with Scotland and everything Scottish the volunteer used that information to engage allowing mum to play with her 7 year old and chat to other parents. By the end of the session, mum was much more relaxed chatting to parents. When they were all leaving the 13 year old asked if it was okay if she could come back to another activity.
This allowed the parent to become more confidant with the support PIN could offer. The parent then came along to a Child’s Planning training session which was organized by the coordinator in her area so in turn gave the parent the confidence to voice her opinion at their next Child’s Plan Meeting and positive changes were made.
Our members will have less isolation and a support network they can access for life.
We have established a group within the Stewartry that comes together of parents and carers some of whom have been members for years, but our very welcoming to new parents and carers. This group comes together every 4 weeks in a local church hall , some of the parents that attend also have pre-school children that come along . This group of 12 parents / carers that attend regular and this is a strong network of support.
Case study
Mrs X moved to the Stewartry area from the highlands in summer 2018. Her daughter who is 15 with severe and complex disabilities struggled to integrate to her new school. When Mrs X contacted PIN in September 2018 she was on a very low ebb and daughter was practically housebound and was not attending school or leaving the house at all. From this meeting with PIN mum was introduced to a regular support group and her daughter was encouraged to come along and try a session we had organised at the Cocobean Chocolate factory where she met a friend of the same age, who went to the same school and they have now went on to become close friends with each mum taking turns once a month to host a sleep over. Mrs X now has a network of friends within the small rural area. Her daughter has 1 friend, is still not at school but it is a working progress.
Carers will feel better supported to sustain their caring role.
In February 2019 we ran an 'Unpicking behaviours' training workshop for parents and carers in partnership with Occupational Therepy, Speech and Language and Cahms. The training was aimed at identifying the behaviours children who had additional needs show and how to deal with them effectively. It was a hugely successfull workshop with parents and carers outwith PIN attending and subsequently becoming members of PIN and accessing our support services. The feedback indicated that parents found the training useful and the strategies that they learnt would be valuable to them in thier caring role. We organise training events for parents and carers throughout the year in order to support them in thier caring role based on the reoccurring issues members tell us they are facing. By giving parents and carers the strategies to deal with behaviours it enables them to be more confident when they attend our activities and are able to take steps to improve their over all well being.
Case study
In Newton Stewart we had a volunteer who supported the coordinator throughout the holidays, she played a very valuable role which enabled a family to stay and take part in a session. This was the first time this family had attended any of our holiday activities. Mum was very anxious about coming along as she had always felt judged in the past. She has three children, two of which are on the Autistic spectrum one who is 13, very verbal, and one 7 who is on the severe end of the spectrum with little verbal communication. The volunteer sat in a quiet part of the room trying to engage and chat with the 13 year old who felt she was too old to be at the session, however once the volunteer realized she was obsessed with Scotland and everything Scottish the volunteer used that information to engage allowing mum to play with her 7 year old and chat to other parents. By the end of the session, mum was much more relaxed chatting to parents. When they were all leaving the 13 year old asked if it was okay if she could come back to another activity.
This allowed the parent to become more confidant with the support PIN could offer. The parent then came along to a Child’s Planning training session which was organized by the coordinator in her area so in turn gave the parent the confidence to voice her opinion at their next Child’s Plan Meeting and positive changes were made.
We will establish positive relationships with local organisations and business to ensure and cement their knowledge and understanding for our families to have better access. All our activities will be fully booked with an array of opportunities and choices.
We arranged a variety of activities in the Summer with local organisations . One being a local Gymnastics Club that some of young people attended . One of our young people took to the activity and is now attending the Club twice a week and has been offered a place and excepted in a two piece competitve club and is really shining in a main stream organistaion. The gymnastics club has since attended training to help meet the needs of children with disabilities and are looking at offering more classes to help engage other children to be involved in gymnastics.
Case study
Child 1 is attending a local Gymnastics Club and is in a group of 24 children both girls and boys. Child 1 has developed well in a mainstream activity and is making friendships with the other gymnasts and is working alongside them as a team and individiual . Child 1 has pushed herself out of her own confort zone to help at fundraising activities for the Club over the Christmas period alongside attending Movie nights and other social group activities within the Club. Child 1 has recently competed at an in house competition and won a bronze medal at the competition.