
We provide a holiday scheme for 19 young people with Additional Support Needs aged 15-18 living in Angus. The schemes run for 8 weeks of the year. The scheme runs for 5 hours per day, the parents and carers have the opportunity to spend time with other family members and friends or have some ‘me

What 15-18 Scheme did

The charity has been in operation for over 25 years and this group was formed about 10 years ago when it was decided to change the age groups to best suit the needs and interests of the young people. Most of the young people have been attending the scheme for 5 years or more and have moved up through the age groups. Last year after discussions with the young people, parents and carers it was decided that we would focus more on independence and life skills.
The scheme for the 19 young people attending is based in a school in Arbroath, the young people from other parts of Angus are bussed into the scheme from a central pick up point each day. During the Easter scheme we visited the cinema and went swimming, the young people also discussed the trips and activities they would like to do throughout the summer and October schemes. During the summer we went to Arbroath Abbey, bowling at the Hollywood Bowl in Dunfermline (in conjunction with Angus Alive) and Blair Drummond Safari Park. We also went out to lunch at a local café and weekly swimming trips. During October scheme we went swimming and to Dundee Botanical Gardens. While at scheme we were visited by the Learning Tree Partnership who introduced the young people to customer service and money handling. Also throughout the year small groups of the young people also selected, organised, prepared and served lunch for all the young people, staff and volunteers.
At the beginning of December we organised a weekend Christmas shopping trip for the young people to Aberdeen. Each young person had their own shopping list and money and they were supported by staff to explore the shops and choose Christmas gifts for family and friends, the young people also individually chose from the large variety of cafés and restaurants where they wanted to have their lunch.

What Angus Special Playscheme has learned

This year we have formed two new partnerships, one with the Learning Tree which has worked well and we will be continuing to develop next year with the young people spending time in their pop-up book shop developing their customer service and money handling skills. The other partnership has been with Agnus Alive where we have accessed their holiday programmes for all of our schemes such as bowling, wheelchair bikes and a climbing wall. This has allowed us the try out new things with the young people and we have had positive feedback from all the activities we tried. We are continuing to develop this partnership and in Easter this year the young people tried out archery at the local sports centre.

Over the whole scheme during 2017 we had 11 new children and young people join the playscheme with one new young person joining the 15-18 scheme and two moving up from the younger scheme. Before new children join the playscheme they have a visit from the manager who gets to know the family and the young person. Once they are accepted into the playscheme they are contacted by the Playleader who welcomes them into the scheme and introduces them to staff and the other young people. Each family is supported on an individual basis depending on their level of need.

How Angus Special Playscheme has benefitted from the funding

The Better Breaks funding allowed us to change how the 15-18 scheme operated. It allowed us to concentrate more on life skills and preparing the young people for adult life. We were able to do this by expanding some of the activities we already offered such as cookery and also offering more trips and experiences to the young people. It also allowed us to form new partnerships with the Learning Tree and Angus Alive which has been successful and will continue into next year .

Project Outcomes


17 young people will have accessed a range of fun and stimulating activities.


The young people’s programme this year was a mixture of new and a return to some favourite trips and activities. Some of the most popular ones are the swimming, bowling and lunch out at a local café. The new trips and activities this year were to Arbroath Abbey, working with the Learning Tree Partnership and making lunch for the whole group. There were positive comments from parents/carers about the activities such as:
“I think the activities are varied, he learns things but also has fun. I think the bowling and the swimming are his favourite things.” “There was lots of variety and my son was eager to come home and tell us all about his day. He had so much fun.” “I think there is a good mix and variety. He has never told me he did not enjoy something. Even the trip out for lunch was quite positive and he usually hates eating out and going to cafes.” “Swimming is always a big hit with my son, along with Blair Drummond.”

Case study

During the October scheme we visited the Dundee Botanic Gardens, this was a trip that the young people had asked for. They were given activity sheets to complete with plants to identify as they walked around. The staff supported the young people as needed. The young people were fascinated by the different textures and smells of the plants “I touched the tree, if was soft.” “I found all the plants, you could read things about them, where they come from, I read about beech trees.” “I touched the cactus, it looked fluffy but it was prickly.” “I was checking off all the plants and trees that was on my checklist, I think I got it all done.” “I touched a plant and the leaves closed up, it tingled my fingers.” The day was a success with the young people talking about their experiences to staff and parents. They had fun while learning new things.


28 carers will have increased confidence in their child’s preparedness for adult life


The scheme this year has changed, concentrating on life skills. After a discussion with the young people, cookery was the most popular activity. We have been doing some cookery activities for a few years mainly making snack, and cooking simple cakes. We decided to extend this into making lunch for everyone. There was a discussion on what to prepare and the first time it was pizza. After deciding which toppings to make the group was split into three smaller groups with one going shopping, one preparing the pizzas and one doing the washing up. These groups rotate so everyone can have a chance at each task. Through the rest of the year the activity was repeated at regular intervals and the repertoire has increased so that in October they made stovies and macaroni cheese (the favourite). The cooking activities are very popular and the young people have been discussing what they would like to try next year.

Case study

J is 15 and is autistic, he was very excited about the cooking activity as it is something he enjoys doing at home. He always contributes to the group discussion with ideas of what to make and what ingredients we would need to buy. During the summer scheme the young people decided to prepare food for a party for those who were moving on from the scheme. One of J’s ideas was to make cheese and ham sandwiches as people like those. In his journal he is quoted as saying I like cooking, the best thing I make is stovies, once I serve the people I am going to clean and do the dishes. I like to tidy up the mess after cooking then sit down and put my feet up.”
Some quotes from parents about the new direction of this scheme are “He is gaining confidence and learning new things to help as he gets older.” “It allows him to practice his social skills with others in a protected environment. The staff have a good understanding of his difficulties and he is accepted and valued regardless. This is good for his confidence and self-esteem.” “Socialising, friends, practices life skills independent of mum and new experiences.” “Allows him to socialise with other children, experience things/places he might otherwise not experience, within a safe, caring environment.”


Cares will have more opportunities to pursue personal priorities outside their caring role.


Carers were asked in a questionnaire after the summer scheme, how do you benefit from your child attending scheme. Some of the answers were:
“We were able to do activities with our younger son which would not be suitable, whilst knowing that our son at the scheme was having fun doing what he enjoys most.” “It gave me time to do the things I can’t do with my son like shopping, I also had time to spend with his sister.” “It gives me the opportunity to spend time with my other two children and do the things that they like to do. I can give them more attention and can join in with their activities.”
The responses showed us that the parents appreciated their child coming to the scheme as it gave them time to relax, do things they would normally find difficult and spend time with other member of their family, especially other children, giving them attention and doing things that they wanted to do, while being reassured that in scheme their child was safe, cared for and having fun.

Case study

M is a single parent with two children, his son who is the older child has complex needs and has been attending the scheme for 10 years, moving up through the age groups from the 5-10 through the 10-15 and this is his second year in the 15-18 group. M says that the Playscheme is a great support to him, allowing him to spend time with his daughter, play golf and help family and friends with DIY which is one of his interests. M has also started on online course to gain a qualification which he does while his son is in scheme. The course has helped with his confidence and self-esteem and he feels a sense of achievement from this.


28 carers will feel that they have been supported in their caring role.


We have worked with 32 carers through the year, supporting them as required through talks with staff during scheme, phone calls and emails asking questions, discussing behaviour or signposting them to other professionals which could be of help to them. Carers have shared with us: “I get peace of mind knowing my child is attending something he very much enjoys. It helps me to cope with child care requirements over the holiday period. I feel the staff are accepting, understanding and equipped to manage his difficulties. “Gives me respite in the knowledge that he is safe and in good hands. This enables me to relax or do things which are normally difficult.” “My son really enjoys the scheme, all of our family benefit from the scheme- thank you.” “I am truly grateful that my son gets to attend the scheme. I think it is an extremely valuable resource and it helps support us as a family with the added pressures of caring for a child with additional support needs.”

Case study

M is a single parent with two children, his son who is the elder has complex needs and has been attending the scheme for 10 years, moving up through the age groups from the 5-10 through the 10-15 and this is his second year in the 15-18 group. M says that the Playscheme is a great support to him, allowing him to spend time with his daughter, play golf and help family and friends with DIY which is one of his interests. M has also started on online course to gain a qualification which he does while his son is in scheme. The course has helped with his confidence and self-esteem and he feels a sense of achievement from this. M shared with us: “I think the staff do a brilliant job, I can talk to them about any concerns I have, they are very flexible if I need to changes any dates that my son is to attend and without their support I would find the holidays very difficult.”


17 young people will have reduced social isolation


In any questionnaire that the scheme has put out to parents then making friends and taking part in social activities are always at the top of what they want from Angus Special Playscheme. The group is small enough so that everyone knows each other but big enough for the young people to make particular friendships. Because most of the young people have come through the different age groups then some of the friendships are long standing and continue outside the scheme. Carers have told us “My son loves being with people and misses his peers to interact with at home. He can interact just like in school.” “It allows him to meet with his peers in a non-judgemental environment and because they are always on the go it stops him from being bored.” “It gives him a chance to try new things and interact with people other than me.” “My son gets to mix with others as he spends a lot of holidays with no other clubs to go to and on his own.”

Case study

The Christmas shopping trip to Aberdeen at the beginning of December was a new activity for us. It started with a suggestion by a parent and after consulting with the young people and other parent/carers it was decided to go ahead and organise the day. The young people were supported by staff to look around the shops and buy Christmas presents for family and friends. Staff had previously spoken to parents of the young people with more complex needs so that lists of possible presents were provided. During the day the young people chose where they wanted to have their lunch and this ranged from McDonalds to a local restaurant. The day was a success with the young people gaining in independence and life skills, it is an outing that we are intending to repeat.

The feedback from the day was very positive, with parents saying “Brilliant, good for him to go shopping on his own, giving him some independence.” “My daughter loved it, it was the first time she bought presents on her own, wrapped them and put them under the tree.” “It was an excellent day, good for my son to do things himself and handle money.” “It was an emotional day for us, we shed a tear when she went off to do her own Christmas shopping for the first time.”
Some of the young people said, “I enjoyed it, buying gifts for everyone and I knew what I wanted to buy.” I loved it, I bought a present for Mum, then I went into a restaurant and had fish and chips.”