Service Details
Brief description:
Yolo Sistas Project aims to support girls from black and minority ethnic communities aged between 10-17 yrs and who have caring responsibilities for someone in their family. This may be a parent, sibling or other relative who may be affected by mental health problems, a disability, chronic ill-health and drug or alcohol misuse. The group provides opportunities for arts and crafts and cooking activities along with lively discussions around a whole host of topics.
Organisation name:
Multi-Cultural Family Base
Type of break:
Carer Breaks, Clubs or Day Facilities for Short Break/Respite Purposes
Care needs catered for:
Carer Support
Ages catered for:
Children, Young People
How do people access your service:
Referrals can be made by family members, schools and other voluntary organisations and statutory agencies. Please contact the service direct for more information
Cultural needs catered for:
Black and Ethnic Minority Communities
Full service description:
Yolo Sistas Project aims to support girls from black and minority ethnic communities aged between 10-17 yrs and who have caring responsibilities for someone in their family. This may be a parent, sibling or other relative who may be affected by mental health problems, a disability, chronic ill-health and drug or alcohol misuse. We can help by offering group support where girls can: <ul> <li>Have a regular short break from caring</li> <li>Meet other BAME girls who are carers and develop friendships</li> <li>Share their thoughts and feelings in a place where they feel included, listened to and respected</li> <li>Take part in arts and crafts, games, outdoor activities and visit new places</li> <li>Relax and have fun in a safe space</li> </ul> The group has 8 to 10 girls and runs every week on a Friday afternoon after school and at our base in Leith during school term-time. We have snacks and share our weekly news when we arrive. We then have different activities each week, for example games, arts and crafts or dancing. The group is a safe place for girls to talk about things that are important to them and enables them to make new friends and learn new skills. The group is run by all female staff, and we arrange for the girls to be transported home once the group is finished.
Price information:
No Charge
Any other information you think people might find helpful:
The group has spaces for up to 10 girls, and transport can be provided to enable the girls to access the group.
Organisation providing this information:
Multi-Cultural Family Base
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