Service Details
Brief description:
The Saturday Cafe Clubs promise to offer disabled children and young people FUN, exciting and challenging activities, which support and extend their development through free play, arts & crafts, dance, drama and sport. All our Clubs provide short breaks from care for the parents and care providers of our children and young people.
Organisation name:
The Saturday Cafe Clubs SCIO
Type of break:
Clubs or Day Facilities for Short Break/Respite Purposes
Care needs catered for:
Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Carer Support, Hearing Impairment, Learning Disability, Physical Disability
Ages catered for:
Children, Young People, Adults
How do people access your service:
Registration is at the Club AGM in May each year. If you require more information or if you wish to check availability of places out with this date please email, telephone or message our Facebook page.
Cultural needs catered for:
We cater for individual needs as reasonably as possible through discussion with the children, young people and their carer.
Full service description:
The Saturday Cafe Clubs are outlined below: The Saturday Cafe - provides care and a comprehensive range of recreational activities for disabled children aged 5-12 years. The club offers a varied and stimulating environment that is consistent with the individual needs of our children and young people, where they are supported and encouraged by creating opportunities to integrate, play and learn through experience in a FUN, safe environment. The Saturday Cafe Club operates 50 weeks of the year, for three hours on a Saturday 1pm - 4pm and averages an attendance of 30 children each week. Ozzy's Youth Club - provides care and youth based activities for disabled young people aged 13-18 years in a ‘youth club’ environment. Club activities are developed in consultation with the young people and regular club meetings are held to evaluate existing activities and to develop new and exciting opportunities for play and development. The club aims to be a stepping-stone for young people into the world of adult recreational clubs and work, and offers a transitional short-term service for those young people 18 years plus. The club operates 50 weeks of the year, for two and a half hours on a Tuesday evening 6.30pm - 9pm and averages an attendance of 25 young people each week. Ultimate Sunday’s - aimed at disabled children and young people aged 5 -18 years (in age and stage appropriate settings) and offers opportunities in a range of activities including sports, dance and drama. All activities are supported by professional coaching staff and are designed to be fun and aid health and wellbeing. The club operates 50 weeks of the year, for three hours on a Sunday 12pm - 3pm and averages an attendance of 30 young people each week. Cafe Holiday Club - with the support of the Short Breaks Fund we are able to run a full programme of activities over the two week Spring break, six week Summer break and the one week October break. Our Cafe Holiday Club operates 5 days each week and offers a full range of opportunities and activities including; play, sports, dance, drama, arts and crafts. The club operates from 9am - 3pm each day (an additional 5pm service is available for a limited number of service users) and has an average attendance of 25 children / young people at each session.
Price information:
Please contact us for our most up-to-date pricing, but current costs are: The Saturday Cafe - £7.50 Ultimate Sunday's - £7.50 Ozzy's Youth Club - £7.50 For information on Cafe Holiday Club for 2019 please contact the service direct by email or via facebook
What is included/not included in the price of the break:
We include all Club activities in the cost of the break with the rare exception of outings which have been organised out with Club activity times or our current funding arrangements (these will be discussed and considered at Board level and service users will be consulted). We also provide snacks (unless a very special diet is required) at all Clubs. At the Ultimate Sunday's and the Cafe Holiday Clubs children and young people are required to bring their own packed lunch.
Any other information you think people might find helpful:
The Saturday Cafe Clubs SCIO are Care Inspectorate registered (CS2017362953). Information and our latest report can be accessed at We are also proud to have been awarded the Quality Mark - 'Achieving Quality Scotland - 'Gold Award for Excellence' We have our AGM and Open Day in May each year. This is a great opportunity to come along and see the Clubs in action, get to meet other service users and chat to staff. Watch our Facebook page or contact us now for further information email: We also hold our Reach for the Stars Christmas Spectacular show each year. For 2019 the children and young people are performing 'Aladdin'. If you would like to come along to our show please contact us for ticket information.
Organisation providing this information:
The Saturday Cafe Clubs (SCIO)
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
OSCR, Care Inspectorate
Accessibility Details
General accessibility:
Level entry to premises or ramp available, Designated disabled parking spaces, Parking available by premises, Level entry to gardens or ramp available
Any further information regarding accommodation location activities and surrounding area:
Staff are disclosure checked and trained in Safeguarding Children and Young People and other mandatory training. The Saturday Cafe Clubs achieved a Gold Award for Excellence via Achieving Quality Scotland
While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, services are regularly reviewed and may be subject to change. If you discover any errors or inaccuracies please contact Shared Care Scotland. We do not assess the quality of any service on here. If you have doubts about a service please contact the provider or the registering body.Suggest a service
If you know of a service that is not here but you think should be included in this directory please let us know. If you enter the name of the service and some location details then we will contact them and invite them to join the directory. Many thanks.