Service Details
Brief description:
The Mallard and The Garratt are residential and short break services for children and young people with disability and provide a service irrespective of their race, creed or sexuality. The project provides care and support to children and young people with disability aged between 5 - 19 years. This can be in the form of long-term care or short breaks.
Organisation name:
Type of break:
Dedicated Short Break/Respite Accommodation
Care needs catered for:
Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Drug or Alcohol Misuse, Learning Disability, Physical Disability
Ages catered for:
Children, Young People
How do people access your service:
Referral through the social work department. Children are referred by their Social Worker. A referral form and an assessment is completed. The Child, Parents, Social Worker and others important to the child are invited to attend an admissions meeting. At this meeting a decision is made as to the suitability of the service provided as a respite or long-term placement. The service must be seen as a positive experience for the child as well as supportive to the parents. A Key Worker is allocated and the child is gradually introduced to the service allowing trusting relationships to form.
Type of accommodation:
The purpose built bungalow is situated within its own grounds. It has a well equipped garden with safety surface play area.It can accommodate up to eight young people and has a number of special rooms including a sensory room, spa, play area and large conservatory. Adjacent to the main building is a new bungalow accommodating four young people. The Garratt is leased from the West of Scotland Housing Association. We have four single rooms, with lounge, dining room, toilet and bath/shower room. There is a large common room with access to multi sensory room, spa room and conservatory. There is a fully equipped garden.
Cultural needs catered for:
Special diets can be catered for and cultural needs can be met.
Full service description:
The Mallard and The Garratt is a residential and short break service for children and young people with disability and provides a service irrespective of their race, creed or sexuality and aims to: - Provide a homely atmosphere for the children and young people. - Provide a safe and stimulating environment in which the children can develop and grow. - Encourage each child to attain his/ her maximum potential. - Encourage close and regular contact with the parents of the children and support of their families. The project provides care and support to children and young people with disability aged between 5 - 19 years. This can be in the form of long-term care or short breaks. The Mallard and The Garratt are situated in Springburn, Glasgow, ten minutes travelling time from the city centre. The Mallard provides Short Breaks and The Garratt provides residential long term care and support to children and young people with disabilities. Many of the children who use the service also have sensory impairments, communication difficulties and social and emotional difficulties. Both houses are homely furnished, providing a safe and stimulating environment for the children. The well-equipped garden areas provide lots of opportunities for the children to explore. The sensory room, spa and computer room are favourites with the children who use the service and are important to the continual development of the children.
Price information:
The charges are met by the Social Work Department of the Local Authority concerned. There may be a parental contribution depending on Local Authority policy. Please contact us for more pricing information.
What is included/not included in the price of the break:
All meals included, activities included. Staff ratio three staff to four children. One waking staff to four children during the night.
Any other information you think people might find helpful:
Massage - this service is available to the young people on a Thursday evening and is provided by a fully qualified massage therapist. It is very beneficial - relaxing and calming - and enjoyable to the young people Sleep Scotland - The Mallard has staff trained by Sleep Scotland who are able to provide assessment, advice and programmes to help children with difficult sleep patterns. Personal plans for the individual child are agreed in consultation with those important to the child. They are designed according to the assessed needs of the child. Regular reviews take place assessing the child’s progress. The named Key Worker is responsible for working with the child, their family and school. Children attend school and take part in a programme of activities during evenings and weekends. Families are encouraged to be fully involved in their child’s care taking part in reviews and the setting of goals. Activities are arranged throughout the year to bring children and their families together e.g. Christmas parties, B-B-Qs and Parents Evenings. The children are encouraged to be fully involved in shaping the service provided. Children's meetings are held as well as a young peoples forum. Children are regularly asked their views on the service by ways that take into account their communication needs. The Mallard is well supported by the Local Community. Children make use of the local shops, Library and Leisure Centre. Local links have been developed including links with Possil Forum on Disability. Further information is available from our website. For an information pack please contact the service.
Organisation providing this information:
The Mallard
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
Care Inspectorate
Accessibility Details
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Adaptations:
Staff training e.g National Autistic Society Introduction to Autism
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