Service Details
Brief description:
Action for Children offers a residential short break service to local children and young people. The overnight stays allow our guests to develop new skills, socialise, and gain independence while they are in our care. We believe that it’s very important that the children and young people enjoy spending time at Gilmerton Road, and we know they do, but we always focus on helping them to learn and develop. The Gilmerton Road Project offers a range of support services to families in the Edinburgh and Lothians area, where there is a child or young person in the family with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour.
Organisation name:
Action For Children
Type of break:
Befriending, Carer Breaks, Dedicated Short Break/Respite Accommodation, Sitter Service
Care needs catered for:
Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disability
Ages catered for:
Children, Young People
How do people access your service:
Contact the service for further information.
Full service description:
The Gilmerton Road Project offers a range of support services to families in the Edinburgh and Lothians area, where there is a child or young person in the family with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour. The Gilmerton Road Project was established in 1998, jointly planned and funded by social services, health and education. It provides a service across Lothian and supports 45 to 50 families affected by disability. The children and young people who access the service have learning difficulties and complex neurological and medical and associated needs, and are aged 0€“19. The service has a dedicated clinical psychologist who is able to create behavioural management plans and communication support, working with speech and language therapists, as well as relevant support and training to project workers, parents/carers and siblings. The service ensures that individuals have access to inclusive facilities and provides the correct level of support to make this happen. Ongoing links with education, social services and health professionals help to break down the barriers faced by many families in accessing different services.
Organisation providing this information:
Action For Children
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
Care Inspectorate
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