Service Details
Brief description:
Sunndach & Calareidh are two purpose built bungalows each with 4 beds for long term care (residential) and five beds for respite care. An agreed number of nights will be allocated every month for respite. This is dependent on the child and family’s needs and bed availability.
Organisation name:
Children's Services, RHSC NHS Lothian
Type of break:
Dedicated Short Break/Respite Accommodation
Care needs catered for:
Learning Disability, Medical Condition, Physical Disability
Ages catered for:
Children, Young People
How do people access your service:
Information pack and referral forms are available from the service. Please contact us on 01506 463 706.
Type of accommodation:
The bedrooms are all single, some with en suite facilities. We have a play room, snoezilin, sensory garden, playground equipment and a family overnight room.
Cultural needs catered for:
We will endeavour to cater for all cultural needs and ethnic groups where practical and possible.
Full service description:
The Respite Residential Service, Sunndach & Calareidh comprises of 2 purpose built community based bungalows, funded and managed within Royal Hospital for Children & Young people (RHCYP), Women and Children’s services, NHS Lothian. The service offers families a long term residential or short term respite packages of supportive care for their child. Holiday breaks can be offered up to 7 nights per year. Families can use this time to have a holiday break away or use this time to address other priorities. This is an NHS Lothian facility, funded, staffed and managed by NHS, RHCYP Edinburgh.
Price information:
Please get in touch for up to date price information.
Any other information you think people might find helpful:
Referrals can be made by each family or from professionals supporting families, and should be made directly to the service. Referrals for children who are resident outwith Lothian may be considered subject to bed availability and the referring authority’s ability to financially support the respite package request.
Organisation providing this information:
NHS Lothian, Respite Residential Service, RHSC.
Accessibility Details
Accessible bedrooms:
Bedroom accessibility:
Electric bed, Manual height adjustable bed, Tracker hoist, Manual hoist, Bedrails
General accessibility:
Level entry to premises or ramp available, Designated disabled parking spaces, Parking available by premises, Level entry to gardens or ramp available, Accessible bedroom(s) on the ground floor
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