Service Details
Brief description:
Space for Youth Befriending provides children and young people aged 5 to 16 years living in the South West of Edinburgh with a volunteer befriender once a week for 2 €“ 3 hours. This befriender will support and encourage them to explore new activities, and find new interests and hobbies, with a view to engaging in local youth provision. Aims of this project include building confidence, increasing self-esteem, engaging positively with education, improving social skills, engaging in extra-curricular activities and widening a young person’s social network.
Organisation name:
Space @ The Broomhouse Hub
Type of break:
Care needs catered for:
Drug or Alcohol Misuse, Mental Health
Ages catered for:
Children, Young People
How do people access your service:
Referrals can be from professional bodies and agencies in the area and self-referrals are also accepted.
Type of accommodation:
Meetings take place in the centre. There is disabled access and toilets. Play equipment suitable for youngsters.
Cultural needs catered for:
People from all cultures are welcome.
Full service description:
The project was established in 2002 as a direct result of anti-social behavior of young people in the area who were not group ready, not accessing any other service, and in need of one-to-one support. The project provides a befriending service within the South West of Edinburgh for 40 young people aged 5-16 year old who are affected by their parental substance misuse. At present the current waiting time for a volunteer befriender is approximately 4-6 months. Young people who are referred to the befriending project have been referred by social worker, teacher, health professionals, housing department, or other voluntary organisations. Parental substance misuse can impact and effect young people in many ways such as: Being bullied Lack of supportive adults within the family Concern for the young person’s physical, emotional, educational or social welfare Not coping within the school setting Becoming a Young Carer Isolation Abuse or neglect Our service is open Monday to Thursday 9.30 am - 8.30 pm and Friday 9am to 4pm. Activities are in The Broomhouse Hub or to places of interest. This service covers West and South West Edinburgh
Price information:
There is no charge.
Organisation providing this information:
Space @ The Broomhouse Hub
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
OSCR, Quality in Befriending
Accessibility Details
General accessibility:
Level entry to premises or ramp available, Parking available by premises
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