Service Details
Brief description:
Robertson Road Respite Unit is a registered 4 bed unit that provides short breaks to both adults and children ( at separate times). The unit is adapted for people with physical disabilities. The unit has a hoist system and adapted bathroom. There are staff on site who support the people staying. They also organise activities including day trips.
Organisation name:
Aberdeenshire Council
Type of break:
Residential Care Home with Short Break/Respite Places
Care needs catered for:
Learning Disability, Physical Disability
Ages catered for:
Children, Young People, Adults
How do people access your service:
Referrals are to be made through Social Work/Care Managers.
Type of accommodation:
You will have your own bedroom. You can lock your bedroom door. No one will enter your room without asking you first. There is a lockable facility in your bedroom so you can keep your money safe. If you prefer the staff can look after it. There is a telephone which you can use to call friends and family. Staff at the unit can help you with this if you need it. You can bring your own things, such as soft toys and photos to help you feel more at home. Don't bring goods of extreme value. We can't take responsibility for their safety. There are TVs and CD players you can use.
Full service description:
Short break respite care for adults with learning disabilities can include: <ul> <li>planned or emergency respite in one of our <a href="">short break units</a></li> <li>respite offered through the <a href="">Shared Lives Scheme</a></li> <li>innovative respite in the community, such as in hotels or cottages.</li> </ul>
Price information:
Please contact us for up to date pricing information.
Any other information you think people might find helpful:
Meal times are flexible. All types of diet can be catered for. You can help with shopping and preparing the meals. You can also use the kitchen to prepare small snacks, tea, coffee and juice with the appropriate support. Friends and family can visit during your stay at the respite unit. You need to let staff know when they are coming in case you will be busy or out for the day. Pets can't stay with you in the respite unit. With sufficient notice respite breaks can be planned/booked in advance to allow a carer to arrange a break away from their caring role.
Organisation providing this information:
Roberston Road Respite Unit
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