Service Details
Brief description:
Penumbra offers short breaks at Ellon Road in Aberdeen in guest house style accommodation for those who experience ongoing mental ill health, providing a sensitive support environment for guests, whilst giving carers a break. The house is close to the city centre and is on a busy bus route which allows easy access to city amenities. We also have access to a 7 seat car which is used to visit attractions outwith Aberdeen City.
Organisation name:
Type of break:
Dedicated Short Break/Respite Accommodation
Care needs catered for:
Mental Health
Ages catered for:
Adults, Older Adults
How do people access your service:
For Aberdeen City residents referrals can only be made from your Social Worker/Care Manager. For Aberdeenshire residents we can accept referrals from your CPN, Social Worker/Care Manager, GP, or Psychiatrist. Unfortunately we can no longer accept referrals from other Scottish Local Authorities. Informal enquiries welcome by telephoning 01224 703 273.
Type of accommodation:
Large house with 6 guest bedrooms. All guests have an individual room. Rooms are not en-suite but each room has a wash-hand basin. There is a bathroom with a separate shower cubicle on each floor. There are 3 rooms upstairs and 3 are on the ground floor so access is available to those with mobility difficulties. House is staffed 24/7 on a sleepover basis. The staff team includes a full time cook.
Cultural needs catered for:
Cultural needs will be catered for as far as possible. The menu changes each week and we are able to cater for people on special diets.
Full service description:
We offer a recovery based programme of activities that encourage the development of social and recreational skills. Staff use their own experiences and interest to develop activities for guests. People staying at Ellon Road are given the opportunity to complete an IROC (Individual Recovery Outcomes Counter) which is a recovery tool that has been developed by Penumbra as well as using other recovery tools that may be of benefit.
Price information:
The service is block funded by Aberdeen City and Shire Local Authorities. There is also a nominal daily individual contribution that is required to be made by each attending guest. Please contact us for more information.
What is included/not included in the price of the break:
We supply all bedding and towels for the week. Three meals per day are provided and guests can have laundry done during their stay. Guests are required to pay for, or contribute towards, the cost of activities and bus fares.
Any other information you think people might find helpful:
We are registered with the Care Inspectorate and are subject to an annual inspection. Our inspection reports are published on the Care Inspectorate web site.
Organisation providing this information:
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
OSCR, Care Inspectorate
Accessibility Details
Accessible bedrooms:
Bedroom accessibility:
Level entry wet floor shower, Manual shower chair
General accessibility:
Level entry to premises or ramp available, Parking available by premises, Level entry to gardens or ramp available, Accessible bedroom(s) on the ground floor
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Adaptations:
Pastel shades in decor
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