Service Details

Brief description:

Western Isles Respite Care Service works closely with children, young people and their families alongside colleagues in health, education and social work to provide individual packages of care and support to allow parents a break from caring.

Organisation name:

Action For Children (Scotland)

Ages catered for:

Children, Young People

How do people access your service:

Referrals accepted through the social work department, health service, education and parents / carers.

Type of accommodation:

1 single room ensuite.

Cultural needs catered for:

Gaelic language speakers available.

Full service description:

Western Isles Respite Care Service works closely with children, young people and their families alongside colleagues in health, education and social work to provide individual packages of care and support to allow parents a break from caring. The respite service can be provided in two forms: Activity Respite - this is when the child is taken out in the community by members of staff. This can be after school, weekends or during the school holidays. The sessions can be a few hours or more as agreed with Social Work, parents, and staff availability. Some of the activities are - Ardsealeach multi-sensory room, Grianan hydrotherapy pool, soft play or swimming at the sports centre, play sessions at Bayhead or play parks, walks in the castle grounds or beaches. Residential Respite - this is provided as a short-stay break in our residential facility in Stornoway.

Organisation providing this information:

Action For Children

Quality Assurance Accreditation:

Care Inspectorate


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