Service Details
Brief description:
Children normally come to Muirfield Place for either a weekend stay, arriving on a Friday and leaving on a Monday or for a midweek stay, arriving on a Monday and going home on a Friday. Shorter or longer stays can be offered on request. Whilst staying at Muirfield Place, children and young adults will continue to attend their daytime placements, which means that if they attend school they will arrive from school on the first day of their stay and return home after school on the last day of their stay.
Organisation name:
Muirfield Place Project
Type of break:
Dedicated Short Break/Respite Accommodation
Care needs catered for:
Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disability
Ages catered for:
Children, Young People
How do people access your service:
In order to access the services at Muirfield Place, the young person should be aged between 5 and 18, live in North Ayrshire, have a Child and Young Person’s Community Resource Assessment, completed by a Social Worker which is then forwarded to Children and Families Services, where the assessment will be presented to the Respite Resource Group.
Type of accommodation:
The house is a spacious four bedroomed property and provides wheelchair access throughout. The four single bedrooms have built in wardrobes and a sink. Each bedroom also has a height adjustable bed, and is designed around a theme including a Disney and Space room. There is also a lounge and dining room. The bathroom is fitted with a tracking hoist and shower trolley. The shower room has also been adapted. There is also a large enclosed garden which has swings, picnic table and summer house.
Cultural needs catered for:
The service would ensure that the needs of children and young adults from different cultures would be met.
Full service description:
Regular planned short breaks. An identified link worker who will co-ordinate a comprehensive support plan detailing your specific needs. Single themed bedrooms with wash hand basin. Wide range of activities that children and young adults enjoy. Two reviews a year to ensure that the service meets assessed needs. Child friendly safe environment. Specially adapted minibus suitable for wheelchairs. The project is registered with the Care Inspectorate and reports are available on request.
Price information:
There is no charge for under sixteens. North Ayrshire Social Work Department make a nightly charge for over sixteens please contact the service for up to date pricing.
What is included/not included in the price of the break:
The only thing that the children and young adults would be expected to contribute towards, is the cost of outings such as the cinema, ten pin bowling etc.
Organisation providing this information:
The Mungo Foundation
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
Care Inspectorate
Accessibility Details
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Adaptations:
Staff training e.g National Autistic Society Introduction to Autism
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