Service Details
Brief description:
The Bureau is here to help any carer living in Midlothian get the right break, at the right time, in the right place. We are here to offer advice and information when choosing a break, help when sourcing funding and passing on tips from other carers in your situation.
Organisation name:
VOCAL Midlothian
Type of break:
Befriending, Breaks in the home of another Family/Carer, Carer Breaks, Clubs or Day Facilities for Short Break/Respite Purposes, Dedicated Short Break/Respite Accommodation, Residential Care Home with Short Break/Respite Places, Supported Leisure & Activity Holidays, Sitter Service, Home Care
Care needs catered for:
Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Carer Support, Dementia, Drug or Alcohol Misuse, Hearing Impairment, Infirm and Elderly, Learning Disability, Medical Condition, Mental Health, Physical Disability, Visual Impairment
Ages catered for:
Children, Young People, Adults, Older Adults
How do people access your service:
Visit our website, phone us or arrange to meet us at one of our surgeries.
Full service description:
The Bureau is here to help any carer living in Midlothian get the right break, at the right time, in the right place. We are here to offer advice and information when choosing a break, help when sourcing funding and passing on tips from other carers in your situation. The Bureau is a joint project between VOCAL Midlothian Carer's Centre and Midlothian Council and is here to help any carer living in Midlothian get the right break. No question is too small - get in touch to see if we can help you to make a break.
Price information:
The bureau is free to use for all carers within Midlothian - call or email for advice and information and we will see if we can help you create a break and some time for you. We don't provide breaks however so there may be a cost involved in the service of your choice but we can advise you on applying for funding or accessing support if needed.
Any other information you think people might find helpful:
With sufficient notice respite breaks can be planned/booked in advance to allow a carer to arrange a break away from their caring role. We can provide care in holiday accommodation (hotels, self catering), where a carer is available in that area.
Organisation providing this information:
VOCAL Midlothian
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
Pqasso quality Mark
Accessibility Details
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Adaptations:
Staff training e.g National Autistic Society Introduction to Autism, Additional sound dampening measures, Pastel shades in decor, Secure entrance to buildings/grounds, Autism friendly furniture
Visual Impairment:
Staff training e.g. Visual Awareness or Sighted Guide training, Task focussed lighting, Audio described services, High contrast signs, Large print notices / menus, Liquid level indicators, Talking clocks
Dementia Adaptations:
Staff training, Task focussed lighting, High contrast signs containing text and images, High contrast switches, Family or adjoining rooms available, Glass fronted fridge / wall cupboards
Hearing Impairment Adaptations:
Staff training, Loopback system, Vibrating alarms
While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, services are regularly reviewed and may be subject to change. If you discover any errors or inaccuracies please contact Shared Care Scotland. We do not assess the quality of any service on here. If you have doubts about a service please contact the provider or the registering body.Suggest a service
If you know of a service that is not here but you think should be included in this directory please let us know. If you enter the name of the service and some location details then we will contact them and invite them to join the directory. Many thanks.