Service Details
Brief description:
INtegr8 is the Youth Action Project’s Befriending Service for 10 €“ 21 year olds. We aim to reach some of West Lothian’s most vulnerable young people, specifically those who are isolated and experiencing issues around their mental health/well-being. Young people may have things going on in their lives such as peer or family difficulties, being bullied, feeling alone, or experiencing stress or anxiety. The befriender will take the befriendee outside the family home to engage in social and recreational activities approximately once a week for two to three hours.
Organisation name:
West Lothian Youth Action Project
Type of break:
Care needs catered for:
Mental Health
Ages catered for:
Children, Young People
How do people access your service:
We will take referrals from a relevant organisation, family or self.
Full service description:
<p class="font_7">What is Befriending?</p> <p class="font_7">Befriending is support offered to young people on a one to one basis. It is carried out by trained and vetted volunteers who meet with their young people approximately once a week for 2 €“ 3 hours, during which time they take part in social & recreational activities together. Young people can discuss any aspect of their lives with their befriender if they want to. INtegr8 offers a confidential service.</p> The objectives of the service are to: <ul> <li>Reduce isolation</li> <li>Increase levels of confidence and self-esteem</li> <li>Engage young people in sustainable community activities</li> <li>Improve communication skills</li> <li>Help young people to cope better emotionally</li> </ul>
Price information:
The cost is covered by the service.
Organisation providing this information:
INtegr8 at West Lothian Youth Action Project
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
OSCR, Quality in Befriending
Accessibility Details
General accessibility:
Level entry to premises or ramp available, Parking available by premises
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