Service Details

Brief description:

We offer a care at home service as well as providing care in holiday accommodation (hotels, self catering) where a carer is available in that area.

Organisation name:

HRM Homecare Services Ltd

Type of break:

Befriending, Carer Breaks, Sitter Service, Home Care

Care needs catered for:

Dementia, Drug or Alcohol Misuse, Hearing Impairment, Infirm and Elderly, Learning Disability, Medical Condition, Mental Health, Physical Disability, Visual Impairment

Ages catered for:

Children, Young People, Adults, Older Adults

How do people access your service:

We can accept referalls via social work, local authority or private.

Full service description:

HRM Homecare is a leading care at home social care provider in Scotland. Today, we are one of the most caring, experienced and innovative providers of 'Care at Home' in Scotland focused on supporting users of care services and their families to live independent lives, providing over 9000 hours per week of social care supports, whilst promoting independence and re-ablement to Older People, Children and Families and Adults with Disabilities.

Organisation providing this information:

HRM Homecare Services Ltd

Quality Assurance Accreditation:

Care Inspectorate


While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, services are regularly reviewed and may be subject to change. If you discover any errors or inaccuracies please contact Shared Care Scotland. We do not assess the quality of any service on here. If you have doubts about a service please contact the provider or the registering body.

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