Service Details
Brief description:
GAMH Carers Support Project provides support to unpaid mental health carers caring for someone with a mental health problem (excluding Dementia). A wide range of opportunities are available. Support is outcome focussed and personalised to carer needs. Our service is citywide and overall we aim to enable carers to have positive outcomes including: Sustaining/Improving your own health and well being Sustaining/Improving the health and wellbeing of the person you care for Having a life of your own.
Organisation name:
Glasgow Association for Mental Health
Type of break:
Carer Breaks
Care needs catered for:
Carer Support, Mental Health
Ages catered for:
Adults, Older Adults
Cultural needs catered for:
We aim to have an accessible service to all.
Full service description:
We will provide opportunities for mental health carers, including those from hardly reached communities to participate in wellbeing sessions and social outings. This will promote their mental and physical health and wellbeing, support them to sustain their caring role, and provide opportunities to live a life outside of caring. Key support available includes: advice and Information to access entitlements to health checks, welfare benefits, grants, respite services available to carers, Peer support opportunities through our carer groups which can help to reduce isolation, Training enabling you to feel equipped, informed and skilled training available includes: Scottish Mental Health First Aid, WRAP Wellness, Recovery and Action Planning Advance Statements and Named person Mindfulness Rights, Recovery and Confidentiality. We also provide a variety of learning opportunities such as Caring Counts and Open Learn courses through the Open University, as well as computing, cooking and arts and crafts. Access to other opportunities, Complimentary therapies and mindfulness
Price information:
Our service is free to carers who meet our criteria.
Any other information you think people might find helpful:
The GAMH Carers Support Project provides direct support to Mental Health Carers.
Organisation providing this information:
GAMH Carers Support Project
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
OSCR, Investors in People, Care Inspectorate
Accessibility Details
General accessibility:
Level entry to premises or ramp available, Parking available by premises
Visual Impairment:
Staff training e.g. Visual Awareness or Sighted Guide training
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