Service Details
Brief description:
Crossroads (North Argyll) is a locally managed charity in North Argyll covering Oban, Lorn and the Isles. We aim to provide a local respite service to enable those looking after a relative/friend/neighbour to have some time to themselves. Even a brief period of respite can benefit an unpaid carer to cope better in their daily lives. This helps to promote and maintain independence and choice for both the unpaid carer and the cared-for person.
Organisation name:
Crossroads North Argyll Care Attendant Scheme
Type of break:
Befriending, Carer Breaks
Care needs catered for:
Carer Support, Dementia
Ages catered for:
Adults, Older Adults
How do people access your service:
Unpaid carers can contact us directly to ask about respite. We mainly take referrals from GP, Social Work and the Carers' Centre after an adult carers support plan has been completed.
Full service description:
We are a third sector organisation part funded by Argyll & Bute Health and Social Care Partnership, private funders and fundraising. We deliver a service in Oban, Lorn and the Isles. We provide practical support to carers with the aim of reducing the psychological and physical impact their caring responsibilities may have on their health and wellbeing. We offer a high-quality person centred service to the 'cared-for' to maintain or increase their engagement with their families, friends and communities thus reducing isolation linked to their disabilities, needs or the area they live in.
Price information:
This service is free. It is 45p per mile whilst taking the cared-for person out
Any other information you think people might find helpful:
We aim to provide respite at the same time and day each week so that the unpaid carer can arrange their time in advance. We can be flexible if required. We provide the same Care Attendant each week to help build the relationships between the Care Attendant, unpaid carer and the cared-for person. We encourage unpaid carers to register with North Argyll Carers Centre and complete an Adult Carers Support Plan to ensure they receive all the necessary and relevant support they may require.
Organisation providing this information:
Crossroads North Argyll.
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
OSCR, Care Inspectorate
Any further information regarding accommodation location activities and surrounding area:
This service runs in Oban, Lorn and the Isles.
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