Service Details

Brief description:

Provision of short breaks for carers who may be looking after someone at home and be unable to take time for themselves due to the requirements of the person's care. These breaks are provided on a regular basis for an average of 4 hours per week according to what carers wish to use the time for and their geographical location.

Organisation name:

Crossroads Caring Scotland - West Stirlingshire

Type of break:

Carer Breaks

Care needs catered for:

Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Carer Support, Dementia, Infirm and Elderly, Learning Disability, Medical Condition, Physical Disability

Ages catered for:

Children, Young People, Adults, Older Adults

How do people access your service:

Contact can be made directly by carers or professionals with the Service on the details provided.

Type of accommodation:

Service is provided in people's own homes. Our small office is at street level and for administration purposes only.

Cultural needs catered for:

We aim to meet the cultural needs of all the people we have contact with as part of providing a person centred service that seeks to meet the outcomes individuals would like.

Full service description:

Provision of short breaks for Carers who may be looking after someone at home and be unable to take time for themselves due to the requirements of the person's care. These breaks are provided on a regular for an average of 4 hours per week according to what Carers wish to use the time for and their geographical location. Our trained care attendant staff will be allocated according to the age and needs of the person directly receiving the care, and being a rurally based service we have a good understanding of distance and time for travelling etc. Providing consistent visits by one or two regular staff is our aim. During the time spent with service recipients, our care attendants will encourage the activities and interests of the service recipient wherever possible. Examples of these may include creative hobbies, singing, maintaining household skills, going out for walks. Aspects of personal care, including toileting, and making of light meals and drinks will be undertaken as part of the visit.  

Price information:

We fundraise / accept donations to be able to offer open access to the service for Carers who as yet have no contact with social services. The level of successful fundraising and voluntary income dictates how much free service we are able to provide. Referrals are accepted from health and social work professionals and these referrals are prioritised by the local authority's Social Care department. From December 2011 Stirling Council is implementing a charging policy for non- residential community services including Crossroads. Carers and service users are encouraged to have a financial health check / assessment by Council officers. Direct Payments may be used to obtain care or support from the service.

What is included/not included in the price of the break:

If outings are requested and undertaken by care attendants during visits, the costs of travel for the outing and any ticket or refreshment costs for both the service recipient and the care attendant must be paid for either by the service recipient or the Carer.

Any other information you think people might find helpful:

The service has good working relationships with staff of Stirling Carers Centre and Alzheimer Scotland Action-on Dementia - Stirling branch.

Organisation providing this information:

Crossroads Caring Scotland - West Stirlingshire

Quality Assurance Accreditation:

Care Inspectorate


While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, services are regularly reviewed and may be subject to change. If you discover any errors or inaccuracies please contact Shared Care Scotland. We do not assess the quality of any service on here. If you have doubts about a service please contact the provider or the registering body.

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