Service Details

Brief description:

Our Short Breaks service offers stability to families by lending additional support and a break from their caring responsibilities. This support is provided in our carers’ homes and can vary from one or two overnights to a week or longer, with tailored support which meets the individual needs of the person and their family

Organisation name:

Cornerstone Shared Lives and Short Breaks Scottish Borders

Type of break:

Breaks in the home of another Family/Carer, Clubs or Day Facilities for Short Break/Respite Purposes

Care needs catered for:

Infirm and Elderly, Learning Disability, Mental Health

Ages catered for:

Young People, Adults, Older Adults

How do people access your service:

Contact 01896 808750

Type of accommodation:

Shared Lives carers share their home and family life with those who need support

Cultural needs catered for:

Cornerstone has a robust matching process which takes into account the skills of the carer to meet the needs of the person receiving support. Consideration is also given to the carer’s personal interests to ensure that they are compatible with the person being placed with them. This matching process is developed at a level and pace suitable for both carer and supported person, and takes into account the natural progression of getting to know the immediate family, extended family and the community as a whole

Full service description:

Shared Lives & Short Breaks enables people requiring support to live in their communitywithout having to live alone. Shared Lives carers support and include the person in their family and community life which, in many cases, can lead to the individual naturally becoming a permanent part of a supportive family. The service provides both transitional and long term placements to people who require care and support because of their disability or condition. Our carers provide a safe, secure and stimulating family environment for the person to help them develop a sense of belonging within their community. We enable people requiring support to live in their community without having to live alone. Our Shared Lives carers support and include the person in their family and community life and provide a safe, secure and stimulating family environment for the person to help them develop a sense of belonging within their community. Our service is used by people aged 16 and over with a wide range of disabilities, conditions and other support needs. This includes people with learning disabilities or mental health issues, older adults and young people being supported through transitional services. Every placement is unique, and the support provided is tailored to meet the individual needs of the person, whilst creating a natural and supportive family environment.

Organisation providing this information:

Shared Lives Plus

Quality Assurance Accreditation:

Care Inspectorate


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