Service Details
Brief description:
We lend tandems to (and only to) people with disabilities or special needs for free, who are unable to ride a bike safely on their own, so that they can enjoy the wonders of cycling.
Organisation name:
Charlotte's Tandems
Type of break:
Supported Leisure & Activity Holidays
Care needs catered for:
Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Carer Support, Dementia, Drug or Alcohol Misuse, Hearing Impairment, Infirm and Elderly, Learning Disability, Medical Condition, Mental Health, Physical Disability, Visual Impairment
Ages catered for:
Children, Young People, Adults, Older Adults
How do people access your service:
Via our website
Full service description:
We have about a hundred tandems and about a dozen tag-alongs all over the UK. They are with borrowers for the vast majority of the time but looked after by our volunteer helpers. They are available for hire for a couple of months at a time, though some people have them for much longer. The disabilities and special needs of our borrowers have so far included: Severe Learning Difficulties, Autism, Asperger's, Blindness, Visual Impairment, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Stroke, Amputation, Hearing Loss, Dyspraxia, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson's, MS, ME, CRPS, COPD, Hemiplegia, Tuberous Sclerosis, CHARGE & MPS III. Tandems are a fun and safe way to get out and about as friends, a couple, family or a group.
Price information:
Any other information you think people might find helpful:
Charlottes Tandems are registered with the Charity Commission, The regulator for charities in England and Wales.
Organisation providing this information:
Charlotte's Tandems
Accessibility Details
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Adaptations:
Staff training e.g National Autistic Society Introduction to Autism
Visual Impairment:
Staff training e.g. Visual Awareness or Sighted Guide training
Dementia Adaptations:
Staff training
Hearing Impairment Adaptations:
Staff training
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