Service Details
Brief description:
Our Care at Home service is a social enterprise that provides high quality, personalised, social care support services to clients of all ages. We work in an inclusive, person-centered way to meet our client’s individual requirements and we can provide services from a few hours to 24 hours per day.
Organisation name:
Renfrewshire Carers Centre
Type of break:
Home Care
Care needs catered for:
Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Carer Support, Dementia, Drug or Alcohol Misuse, Hearing Impairment, Infirm and Elderly, Learning Disability, Medical Condition, Mental Health, Physical Disability, Visual Impairment
Ages catered for:
Children, Young People, Adults, Older Adults
How do people access your service:
There is an open referral process for this service and can be done by clients themselves, their carers, family members, social work or health professionals.
Cultural needs catered for:
We will endeavour to cater for all cultural needs and ethnic groups.
Full service description:
We provide a service that is tailored to each individual’s need and this is established at the initial assessment. Staff are fully trained to support clients with personal care, medication support, meal support, support on community outings, respite, support to medical appointments, domestic work, shopping and overnight support.
Price information:
Our Care at Home service is chargeable and we offer competitive rates. Clients who have a self-directed support (SDS) package can use this towards our service or can opt to pay for this service privately. Additional costs would apply if outings were taking place and these expenses would be expected to be met by the carer for both the service user and the worker including mileage/petrol costs.
Any other information you think people might find helpful:
The Carers Centre offers a variety of other services for carers living in the Renfrewshire area, these include Respite Sitting Service, Carers Advocacy Project, Emergency & Future Planning Project, Young Carers Project, Carer Support groups, Carers Training Project, information and advice.
Organisation providing this information:
Renfrewshire Carers Centre
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
Care Inspectorate
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