Service Details
Brief description:
The Barnardo’s Child and Family Support Service Dundee provides support to children/young people (up to age 18 years) who have a disability, or complex additional support need for example, ADHD, Autism, and/or are experiencing trauma.
Organisation name:
Barnardo's Child & Family Support Service
Type of break:
Befriending, Clubs or Day Facilities for Short Break/Respite Purposes, Sitter Service
Care needs catered for:
Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Carer Support, Hearing Impairment, Learning Disability, Medical Condition, Mental Health, Physical Disability, Visual Impairment
How do people access your service:
Fast online Referral Tracking as referral route only
Full service description:
The Barnardo’s Child and Family Support Service Dundee provides support to children/young people (up to age 18 years) who have a disability, or complex additional support need for example, ADHD, Autism, and/or are experiencing trauma. A whole family approach is provided, strengths based, solution focused and trauma informed in our approach. The service provides 1:1 emotional and practical support to children/young people and parents/carers; supporting parents/carers to build their parenting capacity, increase confidence and ability to manage behaviours/impact of trauma; and strengthen family relationships. The service works directly with children/young people and parents/carers to create better outcomes, increase resilience, lessen risk and improve wellbeing for the family as a whole. The service offers: emotional and practical support community based activity support/1:1/school holiday groups family work befriending Focused themed groups The service links closely with all key agencies and contribute to risk management and child protection plans. The service promotes a partnership, early intervention, community, whole family approach and will tailor support around individual/ family/ group needs.
Organisation providing this information:
Barnardo's Child & Family Support Service Dundee
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
Care Inspectorate
Accessibility Details
General accessibility:
Designated disabled parking spaces, Level entry to gardens or ramp available
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Adaptations:
Secure entrance to buildings/grounds
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