Service Details
Brief description:
Archway is a parent-led local charity based in Aberdeen providing care and support to children and adults with learning disabilities and their families. Our residential respite services located across Aberdeen provide a safe, homely environment for children and adults with learning disabilities to come to stay which also gives their families a break from their caring role. Children and adults do not come into respite at the same time.
Organisation name:
Type of break:
Dedicated Short Break/Respite Accommodation
Care needs catered for:
Learning Disability
Ages catered for:
Children, Young People, Adults
How do people access your service:
Referrals for respite can be made for individual’s over school age who have a learning disability. A referral form must be completed and sent to Archway’s Admin Office. You can request a referral form by emailing: Once we have received the referral form we will then place the individual on our waiting list until a suitable respite place is identified. Self-Directed Support (SDS) referrals - for individuals who have their own SDS budget for respite a copy of their SDS assessment will be required along with a completed referral form.Individuals and families can get help and support from us directly using their Self-Directed Support budget or be referred to us by their local authority’s social work department.
Type of accommodation:
All of our respite services are wheelchair accessible and located on the ground floor with access to garden and patio areas. Our Westburn Road service has 4 fully furnished bedrooms all with their own sink area. One of the bedrooms has an overhead tracking hoist and en-suite shower room. Some of the bedrooms have adjustable profiling beds. Our Two Mile Cross service has 6 fully furnished bedrooms all with their own sink area. Some of the bedrooms have adjustable profiling beds. The service has a bathroom with overhead tracking hoist and fully accessible Jacuzzi bath. There is also a separate shower room with a shower trolley and shower chair. Our Dyce service has 6 fully furnished bedrooms all with their own sink area. Some of the bedrooms have overhead tracking hoists and adjustable profiling beds. One of the bedrooms has an en suite bathroom with an overhead tracking hoist leading to an adjustable bath. There is a further separate bathroom with adjustable bath and a separate shower room with a shower trolley and shower chair available.
Full service description:
Our residential respite services located across Aberdeen and Dyce, provide a safe, homely environment for children and adults with learning disabilities to come to stay which also gives their families a break from their caring role. Children and adults do not come into respite at the same time. We offer a range of short breaks across our respite services and these are usually arranged on a regular or occasional basis throughout the year based on individual’s respite allocations or budget. The respite breaks Archway can provide include: • A weekend break - Friday to Monday • A midweek break €“ Monday to Friday • An annual holiday break • A variety of the above Respite breaks are usually planned on a 6-monthly basis with dates being offered in 6 monthly blocks from 1st April to the end of September and 1st October to the end of March. Compatibility with other respite users is always assessed. Emergency Respite: at Archway all of our respite services have an allocated €œemergency bed€. This bed may be occupied by another respite user, however, they will have been informed that this bed is the allocated €œemergency bed€ and that it may be required for emergencies. In these circumstances service users and their families must be prepared for the bed to be vacated or the respite visit cancelled if an emergency occurs. It is Archway’s policy that emergency respite is only provided to Archway service users, however, under exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of a manager it may be possible to accommodate someone who is not currently in receipt of Archway services.
Price information:
For further information about pricing please contact us.
Any other information you think people might find helpful:
Archway was founded in Aberdeen in 1986 by a group of parents of children with learning disabilities who were looking for respite. 30 years later we are proud to continue to be a parent-led organisation ensuring that everyone using Archway has a real say in how our services are provided. Archway provides a range of community-based services which include permanent care, residential respite breaks, holiday respite breaks, emergency respite and day activities. We currently support nearly 200 children and adults with learning disabilities and their families.
Organisation providing this information:
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
OSCR, Care Inspectorate
Accessibility Details
Accessible bedrooms:
Bedroom accessibility:
Electric bed, Tracker hoist, Manual hoist, Bedrails, Level entry wet floor shower, Manual shower chair, Grab rails in shower
General accessibility:
Level entry to premises or ramp available, Parking available by premises, Level entry to gardens or ramp available, Accessible bedroom(s) on the ground floor
While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, services are regularly reviewed and may be subject to change. If you discover any errors or inaccuracies please contact Shared Care Scotland. We do not assess the quality of any service on here. If you have doubts about a service please contact the provider or the registering body.Suggest a service
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