Service Details

Brief description:

We aim to offer young carers between the ages of 8 -18 years living in Angus, support and breaks from their caring role. Young Carers Groups with organised activities, and a chance to meet other carers. Training courses, including first aid, fire safety, and anger management. Residential breaks and day trips.

Organisation name:

Angus Carers Centre

Type of break:

Befriending, Carer Breaks, Clubs or Day Facilities for Short Break/Respite Purposes

Care needs catered for:

Carer Support

Ages catered for:

Children, Young People

How do people access your service:

All referrals are welcome. Please contact service directly.

Full service description:

We aim to offer one-to-one support with an experienced member of our team which allows the young carer to share any concerns they may be having in confidence, and receive guidance and support to assist them in coping with their caring role. A young carer is someone aged 18 or under who helps to look after or support a member of their family due to a physical or learning disability, mental illness, physical illness, drug or alcohol problems, chronic or terminal illness. The person the young carer looks after might be their mum, dad, brother, sister, grandparent or any other person close to their family. They may look after the person all by themselves or they may have help from someone else. Many young people don’t even realise that they are a young carer. Our €œCarewise€ Course is a six week programme which aims to enhance the lives of these young people by providing appropriate information and support. Young Carer Groups are monthly groups for two age groups €“ over 12's and under 12's. These groups offer young carers a chance to make new friends and to get a break from their caring responsibilities at home. The groups will consist of organised activities, discussions, and a chance to meet other young carers, and have some fun. Training sessions are for young carers who are registered with us. We include training sessions that have been suggested by young carers in our training programme. Training can include such topics as anger management, first aid or fire safety. These training sessions aim to help young carers develop skills, confidence or try new things. If young carers have any ideas for future training courses, they can let any young carers worker know. Residential breaks and day-trips - from time to time we are able to offer young carers the chance to get away for a few days, in a group if their home situation allows. This allows the young carers to have time away from home, to try new things, and have some fun. We also organise one-off day trips during school holidays for young carers.

Organisation providing this information:

Angus Carers Centre

Quality Assurance Accreditation:

OSCR, Care Inspectorate


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