Service Details
Brief description:
Aberlour Early Years Outreach Service is for families of young children under 5 years. We offer a range of support which includes respite with childminders which takes place in the childminders home. Placements are generally short term and are reviewed and monitored by staff.
Organisation name:
Aberlour Childcare Trust
Type of break:
Befriending, Clubs or Day Facilities for Short Break/Respite Purposes
Care needs catered for:
Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Carer Support, Drug or Alcohol Misuse, Hearing Impairment, Learning Disability, Medical Condition, Mental Health, Physical Disability, Visual Impairment
Ages catered for:
How do people access your service:
Parents can contact us directly or can ask their Health Visitor, GP, Social Worker, nursery etc to refer them on their behalf. Currently the majority of referrals are made by other agencies. Referrals from agencies must be made in writing. Self referral by the parent can be made over the phone.
Cultural needs catered for:
Each registered childminder will have their own individual registration detailing what they can provide.
Full service description:
We are based in the Falkirk Council area and support families with young children. The service works on an outreach basis in local nurseries, community and health centres, playgroups, toddler groups and in family homes. Prevention work is one of our key principals, along with a genuine understanding that parenting can be difficult for many due to a variety of reasons. The service aims to promote the development and well-being of children by offering practical help and support when parents experience difficulties. The service also aims to strengthen parenting abilities that will benefit families during periods of stress. Other areas of support include: Advice to parents in promoting their child’s development Planned parenting programmes Parent support groups Respite with childminders Providing child and family workers to support children in playgroups, nurseries, etc Structured play opportunities for children and parents Infant massage classes
Price information:
No cost to families.
What is included/not included in the price of the break:
Meals are provided by childminders in some cases.
Organisation providing this information:
Aberlour Child Care Trust
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
OSCR, Investing in Volunteers, Quality in Befriending, Investors in People
Accessibility Details
General accessibility:
Level entry to premises or ramp available
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Adaptations:
Staff training e.g National Autistic Society Introduction to Autism
Visual Impairment:
Staff training e.g. Visual Awareness or Sighted Guide training
Hearing Impairment Adaptations:
Staff training
While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, services are regularly reviewed and may be subject to change. If you discover any errors or inaccuracies please contact Shared Care Scotland. We do not assess the quality of any service on here. If you have doubts about a service please contact the provider or the registering body.Suggest a service
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