Service Details
Brief description:
Shared Lives carers share their homes and lives with you. They offer practical and emotional support depending on your needs, the support you need and how much support they can offer. The support is based in and around the Shared Lives carer’s home and community. They are assessed and trained as a carer for the Shared Lives Scheme. Placements can range from a few hours during the day or evening, during the week or weekends, to a short overnight break.
Organisation name:
Aberdeenshire Council Shared Lives Scheme
Type of break:
Breaks in the home of another Family/Carer, Clubs or Day Facilities for Short Break/Respite Purposes
Care needs catered for:
Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Carer Support, Dementia, Hearing Impairment, Learning Disability, Medical Condition, Mental Health, Physical Disability, Visual Impairment
Ages catered for:
Young People, Adults, Older Adults
How do people access your service:
We accept referrals from Care Managers and Social Workers. It is not possible to self refer.
Type of accommodation:
Single room accommodation is individually decorated, and some are ensuite. If equipment is required for personal assistance the scheme would be assisted by the service user and family to plan for this need with the Occupational Therapist to ensure safety, and that the correct equipment was being used by trained carers. This scheme also provides weekends away twice a year to people who are interested in trying new activities, and meeting people in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Matched people who use the service and Shared Lives Carers may choose to go away together.
Cultural needs catered for:
Shared Lives Carers are aware that people, as individuals, have different needs and requirements. This flexible scheme endeavours to match people for similar interests, likes, dislikes and skills. If there are specific needs this can be planned for during the matching and induction process.
Full service description:
Long term placements enable people to live their lives in the community sharing the home of the Shared Lives Carer, being included as part of the family. Occasional and flexible short breaks enable the individual an enjoyable and needs led break whilst allowing their carers/family a break. This flexibility enables family carers to have a planned break while their loved one stays with a known, trusted and trained Shared Lives carer so they are having their own tailor made holiday too. Daytime support gives users of the service a chance to plan their day with the Shared Lives Carer so that their day makes a difference. Activities within the Scheme may include, walking, going for a picnic, support to attend clubs and shows, planning and shopping for meals, cooking healthy meals, swimming, art sessions, days out to Dundee and more! Opportunities to take part in activities and outings are offered, or simply relax in an atmosphere that is calm and supportive. Some users of this service like to continue with their day activities that they currently enjoy. The Scheme is registered with the Care Inspectorate, and is currently rated very good / excellent.
Price information:
Individuals using this service will pay a contribution to the carers which goes towards food, fuel, lighting, laundry etc. Activities undertaken are paid for by the person wishing to use the service. For example, a person wishing to be supported to go riding would pay for the riding lesson.
What is included/not included in the price of the break:
Not included are, outings, use of telephone, transport to and from the service users home, bus / train fares, food when out, entrance fees to places such as the cinem and clubs.
Any other information you think people might find helpful:
Shared Lives carers are matched with people to meet their needs. Any additional training or equipment that may be required would be in place prior to any match being made.
Organisation providing this information:
Aberdeenshire Council Shared Lives Scheme
Quality Assurance Accreditation:
Care Inspectorate
Accessibility Details
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Adaptations:
Staff training e.g National Autistic Society Introduction to Autism
Visual Impairment:
Staff training e.g. Visual Awareness or Sighted Guide training, High contrast signs, Large print notices / menus
Dementia Adaptations:
Staff training, High contrast signs containing text and images
Hearing Impairment Adaptations:
Staff training
While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information, services are regularly reviewed and may be subject to change. If you discover any errors or inaccuracies please contact Shared Care Scotland. We do not assess the quality of any service on here. If you have doubts about a service please contact the provider or the registering body.Suggest a service
If you know of a service that is not here but you think should be included in this directory please let us know. If you enter the name of the service and some location details then we will contact them and invite them to join the directory. Many thanks.