As Shared Care Fund Manager, I work closely with Grants Officer’s Amanda Moffat and Nicola Lockwood to ensure Better Breaks, Creative Breaks and Time to Live improve the quality, choice and availability of short breaks and respite care across Scotland for unpaid carers and those they care for. I am maternity leave cover for Ailbhe Hendry.
I am responsible for ensuring the funding/grant process is fair and appropriate. Cognisant that it makes the best use of everyone’s limited resources at each stage; Applicants/Recipients, Assessors, Grant Allocation Panel members (made up of independent and experienced volunteers), the Short Breaks Team, supporting Shared Care Scotland staff, and most of all unpaid carers and those they care for.
In my previous role, I managed the Scottish Health Walk Fund and the Scottish Health Walk Network which accredits and supports Health Walk providers throughout Scotland. Through it, bringing together over 400 organisations with the common goal of creating a happier, healthier Scotland and supporting people to walk or wheel more by taking part in a Health Walk.
I am in my happy place in any greenspace; my back garden, an urban park, to the vast lochs and glens of Scotland. Growing up in the large metropolis of Manchester with only a back yard. I never take greenspace for granted and have spent much of my life and career pursuing the right that everyone in the community has access to it.